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1st Mosterton Scout Group

A message from Group Scout Leader, Susanna Newall –

I recently read an article about people who make ‘apps’ for mobile phones, I-pads and other modern paraphernalia that apparently we all can’t do without.
The most successful ‘app’ builders aim their product very cleverly at their target audiences – not by extolling the virtues of what the app can do – but by how the app makes the user feel.
When I was asked to write about what we do in 1st Mosterton Scouts, I made a big long list of all the amazing activities that we do as a Group every week. After the second page of A4, I thought you’d all be a bit bored by the time you got to the bottom and then I remembered the article I read.
If I was an ‘app’ builder (and as much as part of me knows that would give me massive street cred. with my children, the other part is very relieved I’m not!) I would tell all the children that by joining Scouts at 1st Mosterton Scout Group – this is what you will feel and experience and learn:
Laughter, fear, bravery, awe, tiredness, reflection, curiosity, fright, confidence, concentration, camaraderie, independence, socialising, apprehension, close and long-lasting friendships, courage, tenacity, perseverance, enchantment, accomplishment, love, pride and empathy. Oh – and more laughter –much, much more laughter!
So as much as plate-spinning, light aircraft flying (really!) kayaking, cooking on an open fire, archery, bouldering, tightrope walking and hosting a local radio show won’t help a child pass the next level on a computer game, we can help equip a child with the other important life skills like those above.
We can help them get the most out of the world around them and have the belief in themselves so that they are happy children growing into happy young adults.
That’s what Scouting is all about and I am very proud to be part of such an amazing team of volunteer leaders and supporters at 1st Mosterton Scout Group who give their time freely to teach the children these skills.

We meet every Monday normally and are open to both boys and girls in three different sections:

Beavers: aged 5 ¾ to 8 years inclusive – normally meet 4.45pm to 6.00pm.
Please call Gill on 01308 868419

Cubs: aged 8 to 10 ½ years inclusive – normally meet 6.00pm to 7.30pm.
Please email Cathy on

Scouts: aged 10 ½ to 14 years old inclusive – normally meet 7.30pm to 9.00pm.
Please email Chris at

In these current times, we need fresh air, friends and fun – come and join us in 1st Mosterton for all these!

Susanna Newall, Group Scout Leader. 1st Mosterton Scout Group.


Wendy Shields

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