Residents at Fullers in Broadwindsor this morning received correspondance informing them of amendments to the planning application WD/D/21/000123.
The proposal: For CG Fry to erect 22 dwellings and associated works, including the formation of access, surface water attenuation pond, landscape and ecological enhancements (AMENDED SCHEME).
Triple Garage with sub-division at Plots 13 & 15.
The application, which was made on 18th January 2021, remains out for consultation. Click HERE to view all the documents.
You can comment, support or object on this development online HERE The comment box they give you has a 1000 character limit. (If you wish to enter more than 1,000 characters, please type your response in a text document and add it as an attachment.)
You may have already made comments on the original submission. Any existing comments will still be taken into account. If you wish to make any further comments in light of the amendments, please submit them by7th February, 2022. Please note that any comments received will be published on Dorset Council’s website.
If you require further information, please contact either:
Cllr. David Leader: West Hill House, West Hill, Broadwindsor, Dorset, DT8 3QJ 01308 868275, 07867 608652,