Photo: Annie Collins
Approximately 500 people flocked to Broadwindsor’s Cricket Club Pavilion last night to watch Broadwindsor Fun Group’s organised Firework display led by village resident & member of Broadwindsor Fun Group, Andrew Hookings.
Stewards were in place and worked ‘flat out’ for 3 hours, continually guiding people and their families safely in and out of the grounds.
The Fun Group’s Food stall had some people queuing for 50 minutes before completely selling out of burgers and hot dogs, almost exclusively cooked by Vice-chairman, Martin Burt with his trusty meat thermomenter! Delicious hot soups and mulled wine also sold very well.
The Cricket Club’s bar sold out too, with a quick trip to the Co-op required to stock up!
All those involved under estimated the crowd who attended and this has been attributed to local advertising; no other local organised displays taking place; the forecast of dry weather and admission was free 🙂
Special thanks must go to Margery Hookings who raised an astonishing £743.07 in her special family collection bucket!
“Incredible. I can’t recall ever seeing that many people in the village” was one local comment made. David Leader, who worked with the BFG Core group on the food stall stated “I don’t think I have ever been involved in catering for so many people in such a short period of time.” Cars parking on the verges at Cross Keys and on the grass area at the front of Redlands Lane was not appreciated but thankfully were there for just one hour.
Broadwindsor House have posted lovely videos on their Facebook page – Click HERE & HERE.
A huge thank you to all involved and all who came along to support the event!
Following the success of this event, Broadwindsor Fun Group and Broadwindsor Cricket Club will have a debrief meeting with a view to holding the event next year.
This Tuesday evening at 7.30pm – Broadwindsor Fun Group are holding their Open Planning meeting to discuss 2022’s Jubilee’s celebrations and more fundraising dates.
All are welcome. For more information and the Agenda – Click HERE.
Wishing all parishioners and their families all good things for 2025.
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