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Broadwindsor Fun Group’s A.G.M. – 2pm, Saturday 18th September

Dear Broadwindsor,

I write as the current chair of the Broadwindsor Fun Group to inform you that the Group’s AGM will be held in the Lewesden Room at Comrades Hall at 2pm on Saturday 18th September 2021. All are welcome and please spread the word, particularly to newer members of the community.

This meeting follows what I hope you will agree, was a successful and enjoyable fun event earlier this month. It was great to see so many people attending. Thank you for your support.

The AGM will include a short update on how the event went and some of the lessons learnt. This will include a financial statement.

Following this all of the positions on the committee will be open to anyone who wishes to stand. Please check with that person nominated that they are willing to stand before nominating them!

The committee will be seeking firm commitment from the community to support and carry out roles at future events. For example we need people to work on the bbq and bar at events. Indeed at this year’s event one person (who does it even live in the village) worked all day on the bbq, supported family members of a resident who also did not live in the area and another person who has only been in the village for a couple of years. This can’t be right.

There are many events being considered including a fireworks show in November. Sadly I will not be at this event but see it as a test whether the village will support and help.

As I say several events are now being considered but all of these need firm support by way of servers, cooks, setting up and clearing up etc. So do not be shy. There are many residents including some new arrivals and helping is a great way of integrating into the village.

I have been asked by numerous people whether I will seek re-election as Chair. This decision is not straight forward. I need to absent from the village several times in 2022. This year I have been supported by three others in the committee and if rumours are correct, at least two others have pledged support should I stay.  I also need some reassurance that the village will get behind events and work at them as necessary. Should such reassurance be given I would not shy from election. That said if anyone else wants to step into the breech…

Finally following what has been a terrible couple of years, I am of the mind that Broadwindsor contains a great many community minded and hard working residents and it is on that basis that we can enjoy many events and activities in the future.

I hope to see you at the AGM.

Chair BFG 


Wendy Shields

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