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Councillor Simon Christopher’s Report – April 2021

Cllr. Simon Christopher delivered the following report at this evening’s Parish Council meeting:


During the last month I have had further discussions with Dorset Council Highways officers re speed limits signage and speeding generally. This is an ongoing matter and will hopefully involve actual face to face discussions with officers in some Marshwood Vale ward villages This is dependent on officer time and when Covid Restrictions allow I have continued to press for improvements in broadband and mobile in discussions with officers portfolio holders and our MP I have also  corresponded with local farmers and other business owners.

Dorset Council is considering appropriate action as result of the expected greater influx of tourists this summer. As this is a major task for the Council I will talk about this further at the Parish council meeting.  With the increased use of footpaths there is concern about adherence to the Countryside Code and most importantly avoid circumstances where dogs chase and attack livestock . Livestock worrying may lead to dogs being shot.

We are seeing some fundamental change in farming with a re assessment on occasions of future farming directions and structures. The full impact of brexit and the gradual movement from basic payments will take some time to assess. Clearly some farmers are aware of the Defra Agricultural Transition plan published at the end of last year . We will see the support Defra provides for farmers change over the next 7 years with cuts to the basic payment ie area based scheme and the introduction of schemes to at least partially replace it. These are envisaged to include productivity schemes  and the sustainable farming incentive in the short term  and eventually Environmental Land Management scheme implementation from 2024.

It was been helpful to see HM Government this week  commit itself to the importance of rural public transport especially buses. With the influx of visitors expected, subject to the relaxation of Covid restrictions of course, I am even more conscious of the importance of public transport.

The period for initial consultation in respect of the draft Dorset Council Local Plan has ended and I understand that there is satisfaction with the amount of interest shown and the number of responses received. If we do not have an up to date plan then there is the risk of developments being passed  merely under the sustainable development criteria of the National Planning Policy Framework Dorset Council has set a budget to spend £312.4 million in the year ended 31 March 2022 ie outside of the dedicated schools grant.

It is envisaged that of this  £312.4  million the majority will be spent on 2 statutory services £124.9 million will be spent on Adult social care and £52.8 million on Chidren’s social care.The budget will be funded by increasing council tax by just under 5% that is just under 2% increase in general Council Tax and just under 3 per cent to help fund adult social care – known as the adult social care precept. This equates to the rate for a band D Property increasing by £84.60 for the year or £1.62 per week. To fund the £312.4 million  the majority of the funding is intended to be received in the form of   £263.9 million from Council tax and  £44.3 from retained business rates.

A few other points as Dorset Council looks to deliver services often in rural areas.

The percentage of income coming from business rates is relatively low compared to other local authorities while the percentage of the population aged over 65 is higher than any other unitary authority.

You may recall that in March 2020 the government published The Electrical Safety standards in the Private Rented Sector  (England) Regulations 2020 which came into force on 1 June2020.The regulations apply to existing tenancies from. 1 April 2021. Covid regulations have made life particularly difficult for landlords in compliance matters and of course in terms of regulation.

I remind you of the Police and Crime Commissioner elections in May.

Councillor Simon Christopher
Dorset Councillor Marshwood Vale

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