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Councillor Simon Christopher’s Report – Feb & Mar 2021

Submitted before the discussion on Planning applications took place at last night’s Parish Council meeting, it was hoped that Cllr. Simon Christopher would give clarification on what he meant by saying that the Local Authority not having “to slavishly follow the Local Plan” – the Parish Clerk having emailed him for clarification*.


“Please remember that the local plan should be seen as a guide.
Thus it is an established fact in planning case law that the Local Authority does not have to slavishly follow the local plan and I am the first to remind officers of that when I hear concerns from those in the Ward”


During the month since I sent a report prior to the intended February meeting.
I have had considerable correspondence concerning the following items which has involved corresponding with officers and portfolio holders and lead members as well as residents and parish councillors.
  1. Broadband and mobile phone coverage difficulties.
    This makes life even more difficult for those working at home whether employees the self employed or for education purposes . Broadband is the most quoted problem of local residents and I repeatedly challenge officers portfolio holders and our MP for improvement.
  2. Speeding motorists , particularly in and around Broadwindsor.
  3. Planning development matters and delays in validating and consideration of planning application.
  4. Processing grant applications including those related to village halls in the Ward.
  5. Common Water Lane. With respect to this matter I am indebted to Parish Councillor David Leader for his support and advice. This is a continuing matter involving legal issues and where we are dependent on receiving legal advice . It has been suggested that one solution might involve a traffic regulation order and gates. I appreciate that Dorset Council officers and Broadwindsor Parish Council may have different opinions as to should pay any costs. As Parish Councillor David Leader is aware I am ready to further support the Parish Council in all respects and await further comment following your March 2021 meeting.
  6. Highways particularly with road surfaces and drainage and signage around Drimpton.
  7. Buses. You will be pleased to know that Councillor Ray Bryan has stated that he recognises the importance of buses and that the provision of good bus services encourages people to make less journeys by car and to fight climate change in accordance with Dorset Council recognising there is a climate emergency.

A few further points:

  • Latest advice as of 5 March 2021 is that Household recycling centres are once again straining under increased visitor numbers Dorset Council is encouraging residents not to use Housing recycling centres right now unless waste can not safely be stored at home.
  • A few weeks ago the Government outlined that some Covid restrictions will be lifted starting with the announcement of changes on coincidentally 8 March 2021.  Further pupils and students in all schools and further education can return to face to face education with testing measures in place.  People are able to spend time in outdoor public space with one other person for recreation purposes or of course your household or support bubble.  Wraparound childcare can reopen such as breakfast and after school clubs. Indoor visits to care homes start again for a single named visitor.

Public Health Update:

Latest information for the 7 day period to 5 March showed a DorsetCase rate of 51.3 per 100,000 a reduction from the previous week figure of 77.7.
There were 13 Covid related deaths in the County of Dorset in the week to 5 March 2021.
The message from Public Health Dorset is that though there has been a continued fall in local COVID case rates, hospitalisation and deaths over the past week thanks to the hard work of local people following the rules the situation can change quickly. We should remain vigilant and look to drive transmission rates down either further by following advice.
The Dorset Local Plan consultation continues.
*Finally, a point about my February 2021 report when I was writing about Local Plans – my comment about the fact that a Local Authority does not have to slavishly follow its Local Development Plan was taken from a high profile planning case known as the City of Edinburgh case. Please contact me if you have difficulties accessing transcripts of this case, wish to discuss the implications of this case, or indeed if you have any other concerns”
Best regards,
Councillor Simon Christopher
Dorset Councillor Marshwood Vale
077988 33715
Cllr. Christopher received no other questions on his report and left the meeting soon afterwards.


Wendy Shields

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