To donate £10 text HOPE to 70210
To donate £20 text HOPE to 70220
To donate £30 text HOPE to 70230
or telephone:0345 607 3333 (& have your credit/debit card ready)
or go to bbc.co.uk/bignightin
The money raised by The Big Night In will be split between Comic Relief and Children in Need and will go on to support local charities and projects in the UK, so they can continue to provide vital emergency support.
There will be more demand than ever for support from local charities. This includes making sure people are safe from harm, mentally healthy and with access to food, warmth and shelter; as well as helping people stay connected, active and positive through these extraordinary times. #StaySafe
Wishing all parishioners and their families all good things for 2025.
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