Broadwindsor’s War Memorial, inspired by village resident Adrian Gray and led by Councillor Andrew Frampton is almost complete…The main photo shows the final draft and the printers need 3 weeks to complete it.
There will be a QR code on the memorial which will enable people to find relations of fallen soldiers so we can then tell their stories on the parish council designated web page.
Broadwindsor Fun Group and village allotment champion, Bob Link will be planting many poppy seeds around the stone.
The official opening will be in June. A short ceremony will be held involving the three Armed Forces, the children from the primary school who will read the names of the fallen out loud before a bugler will play the last post and a 2 minute silence observed lead by Rev David Baldwin from 11 am on June 6th (D day).
Councillor Frampton stated “A generous donation of £250 from the Decloedt family in Belgium (the family of the spitfire pilot killed at Lewesdon hill) and £100 from the Broadwindsor Fun Group goes to funding 3/4 of the project.
“Villagers, relatives and locals are most welcome to attend the opening. The eagle eyed amongst you will notice a QR code on the memorial board. This will take you to a page on the Broadwindsor Parish council website and contain pictures,stories and backgrounds of some of the fallen soldiers . If you or any villagers have relations or indeed info on any soldiers on the memorial please send your info in so it can be stored on the web page for future generations to read about.
The year sixes at Broadwindsor Primary school will be using this story and the soldiers for a project next term and researching some of the men who are remembered .
Any questions or observations are most welcome through your parish councillors to the Parish council:”
More details will be published when confirmed.
Wishing all parishioners and their families all good things for 2025.
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