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Little Groves Nursery Closed, Groves Remain Open

A statement from Becky and the rest of her team at Little Groves:

We are privileged to be able to be able to remain open during the January 2021 lockdown.

Garden centres have been classed as an essential shop, and this is not a responsibility we have taken lightly. Our aim is to provide the safest possible shopping environment for our wonderful customers and fabulous team during this difficult time. January is a quiet time in the garden centre anyway so there will always be plenty of space for you to shop safely.

Please ensure that you follow our guidelines when visiting:

⭐️⭐️ We ask that you sanitise your hands before entering and that you wear a face covering at all times.

⭐️⭐️ Please keep your distance from us and each other.

⭐️⭐️ Please only handle goods you intend to buy.

Please pay by debit/credit card and where possible use the contactless facility. There is a £45 limit for cards and a £500 limit for iPhone/Android pay.

Please step back from the tills to give our till operators the distance to be able to scan your items safely.
January and February are great months to take stock and plan your garden for the season ahead. We have seed potatoes, onion sets, shallots and all of the vegetable seeds you need for you to grow your own food this year.
We also offer an extensive range of pet and farm food, wild bird food as well as household fuel such as logs and coal.

We understand that some might not be comfortable visiting so please remember that we also offer a home delivery and click and collect service. You can order items online or by telephone: 01308 422654 and both of these can be completely contact free.

Groves Nurseries in Bridport will be open:

8am until 5pm Monday until Saturday
10am until 4pm Sunday.

Little Groves is closed for its annual winter break and will reopen on the 1st February.

Ivy House & The Cabin are closed until the lifting of COVID restrictions allow us to reopen.

Stay safe and look after each other.” – Charlie, Becky, Clive, Di and the whole of the Groves Team xxx

Wendy Shields

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