Submitting your records from Moth Night makes a valuable contribution to the national dataset, which adds to our understanding of moths and their distribution. An online submission form will be available after 29th August, and records can also be submitted using MapMate.
To learn more about the data that they need you to collect, click here for their data submission guidelines HERE
By participating in Moth Night you can also be in with a chance to win one of several prizes. Prizes for Moth Night 2020 have been kindly supplied by Watkins and Doncaster, Atropos and Bloomsbury Publishing.
Their online data submission form will be available on this website from 29th August to 30th November 2020. For your records to contribute to the national dataset and help improve their understanding of moth distribution and habitat, there is some specific information they need from you.
What did you see?
They need to know the name of each species you saw during Moth Night, using either English or scientific names. There are many field guides available for both beginners and experienced moth recorders to help you with this. If you are unsure, it is better not to submit your sighting, as inaccurate records may lead to errors in the national dataset.
Where did you see it?
For recording to provide effective data for local purposes, such as planning and conservation work, or national analysis of how particular species are faring, records must be related to sites. This is done via a grid reference based on Ordnance Survey (OS) maps. A four-figure grid reference, which represents a 1km square, is the minimum requirement, but a six-figure reference, pinpointing a sighting to a 100m square, is preferable.

Know what you are doing?
Their recording form accepts both OS grid references and post codes to help identify the location where you recorded your moths. If you are familiar with OS grid references, please use these; if you prefer, you can enter the post code instead, which will focus the Google Map to the post code area from where you can refine and pinpoint the recorded location. As an alternative to the online data submission form, we also accept MapMate ‘sync’ files to the MapMate hub CUK ‘6b0’.
MapMate Support announces and releases a Moth Night filter annually to subscribed users via their email newsletters.
The date you saw your moth. If you are using a trap that you check in the morning please give the date the trap was set, not the morning after.
The number of each species that you see is valuable data that can be used to assess species population trends.
It is not essential that you record weather conditions during Moth Night, but it would help if you can. If you are able to, please record the following:
- Wind speed and direction
- Rainfall
- Cloud cover
- Daytime temperature
- Night time temperature
Moth Night was founded in 1998 by Atropos and is now organised in collaboration with Butterfly Conservation and The Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.
Contact for further information, email:
#Broadwindsor #WestDorset #Moths #MothNight2020 #Atropos #ButterflyConservation #Nightime #StaySafe