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Outdoor Christmas Carols – Tomorrow (Sunday) at 3.30pm

With no carol singing being able to take place at the White Lion as is usual this time of year, Rev. Jo invites you to a socially distanced outdoor gathering to sing Christmas Carols tomorrow afternoon at 3.30pm in Bernards’ Place by the square in Broadwindsor.

The six carols to be sung are:

  1. O Come All Ye Faithful
  2. Once in Royal David’s City
  3. O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Nat King Cole)
  4. Away In A Manger
  5. Ding Dong Merrily On High
  6. Hark The Herald Angels Sing (3 verses)

The lyrics for all six carols are below for those who use their mobile phones and can be downloaded HERE as a pdf for you to print out if you wish.  The weather is forecast to be dry at this time but perhaps bring an umbrella and do dress warmly.O Come All Ye Faithful

O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant
O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem
O come and behold Him, born the King of Angels

O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
Christ the Lord.

Sing choirs of angels
Sing in exultation
Sing all ye citizens of heaven above
Glory to God in the highest.

O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
O come, let us adore Him
Christ the Lord.

Once in Royal David’s City

Once in Royal David’s City
Stood a lowly cattle shed,
Where a mother laid her Baby
In a manger for His bed.
Mary was that mother mild,
Jesus Christ her little Child.

He came down to earth from heaven,
Who is God and Lord of all,
And His shelter was a stable,
And His cradle was a stall.
With the poor and mean and lowly
Lived on earth our Saviour holy.

Not in that poor lowly stable
With the oxen standing by
We shall see him but in heaven
Set at God’s right hand on high
Where like stars his children crowned
All in white shall wait around.

O Little town of Bethlehem (Nat King Cole)

O little town of Bethlehem
How still we see thee lie
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by
Yet in thy dark streets shineth
The everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight.

For Christ is born of Mary
And gathered all above
While mortals sleep, the angels keep
Their watch of wondering love
O morning stars together
Proclaim the holy birth
And praises sing to God our King
And peace to men on earth

Away in a Manger

Away in a manger
No crib for His bed
The little Lord Jesus
Lay down His sweet head
The stars in the sky
Look down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay

The cattle are lowing
The poor Baby wakes
But little Lord Jesus
No crying He makes
I love Thee, Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by my side
‘Til morning is nigh
Be near me, Lord Jesus
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me, I pray
Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care
And take us to Heaven
To live with Thee there

Ding Dong Merrily On High

Ding dong merrily on high,
In heaven the bells are ringing:
Ding dong! verily the sky
Is riven with angel singing
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!

E’en so here below, below,
Let steeple bells be swungen,
And “Io, io, io!”
By priest and people sungen
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!

Pray you, dutifully prime
Your matin chime, ye ringers,
May you beautifully rhyme
Your eve’time song, ye singers
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!
Gloria Hosanna in excelsis!

Hark the Herald Angels (3 verses)

Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled!
Joyful, all ye nations, rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim
Christ is born in Bethlehem!

Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King!
Christ, by highest heaven adored
Christ, the everlasting Lord
Late in time behold him come
Offspring of the Virgin’s womb
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel!

Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King
Hail the Heaven-born Prince of Peace
Hail the Son of Righteousness
Light and life to all He brings
Risen with healing in His wings
Mild He lay His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! the herald angels sing
Glory to the new-born King.

#Broadwindsor,#Blackdown,#Burstock,#Drimpton#Hursey,#Kittwhistle,#Seaborough,BeaminsterTeamChurches,#ChristmasCarols,#TheWhiteLion,#CarolSinging,#Celebrate,#OutdoorEvent,#Christmas2020, #SocialDistancing,#Tier2,#WearYourMask,#StaySafe


Wendy Shields

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