The National Trust’s Coordinator has sent this message regarding tomorrow’s event on Lewesdon Hill:
We are looking forward to seeing the community at Lewesdon Hill tomorrow for the memorial service of the Lost Pilot.
Whilst the weather is looking like its going to be dry please be aware that the ground is still very, very wet and muddy and so for this reason please wear suitable, waterproof boots and wellingtons. Also, if possible please plan to walk from the village as opposed to driving as the field we allocated for parking is very damp and we want to limit (where possible) the number of cars traveling across it.
Thank you for your understanding.
Marshalls will be in attendance and there will be a tractor with a trailer to take people unable to walk up the hill to the memorial site.
Read more about the event HERE.
Wishing all parishioners and their families all good things for 2025.
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