As we move to next stage of the COVID-19 prevention, here is what social distancing really means:
⚫️ Essential contact only
⚫️ You can NOT visit other people’s houses.
⚫️ You can NOT meet up with friends for children to have play dates or for you to do exercise.
⚫️ You can NOT allow your children to go out to hang around with friends.
🟢 You can as a house unit go for a walk as long as you do not meet others
🟢 You can go to the supermarket for essentials, keeping hands clean and distancing from others and ideally only one person per family
🟢 You can go to work if needed staying a safe distance away.
Particularly if you are still working, whether it be in a hospital, an office, as a childcare worker or in supermarket you can not then visit friends and family.
NHS, Social Services, Teachers, all emergency services, supermarket staff and all other essential staff are not working and risking their health for you to go and have a glass of wine with your friends or send your children out.
The government are not shutting schools, cafe’s, bar’s, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, gyms and play centres and providing money to subsidies wages and save business which will put the country in debt lightly, they are doing it as stopping contact is essential to save lives.
Anyone can be at risk, don’t be selfish and please adhere to the advice given to keep us all safe.
Wishing all parishioners and their families all good things for 2025.
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