St. John the Baptist Church

Broadwindsor village churchBroadwindsor village church

Our beautiful church is cared for by:

Vicar: Pioneer Priest The Rev. Jo Neary 07939 062409
(Working days: Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday)
and Church Warden:

The Church’s Team website is:
The Rector is The Reverend Canon David Baldwin.
Keep up to date with their regular news updates HERE.

Photo: Steff ChapmanPhoto: Steff Chapman
Photo: Steff Chapman

On May 15th 2020, in collaboration with JSW Entertainment Group, Broadwindsor’s church was lit up for the evening in blue lights in support of the NHS during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Click HERE to see some more of the lovely photographs taken by residents of the village.

Words from our Rev. Jo:

If you want to speak to someone at this difficult time, please do get in touch. We can chat, listen and point you towards other resources you might need. The church in Broadwindsor is there for everyone and we are always open.
Do give me a ring on 07939 062409 or email me if you need me.

A prayer for our church and our Diocese:

God our Father, renew our hope.
By the Holy Spirit’s power, strengthen us to pray readily, serve joyfully and grow abundantly,
rejoicing in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Thanks, Jo

Contact the Beaminster Team Ministry:

Team Rector
The Reverend Canon David Baldwin

The Rectory
3 Clay Lane

01308 862150


Pioneer Priest (Team Vicar)
The Reverend Joanna (Jo) Neary
Working Days:
Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

The Vicarage
Orchard Mead

07939 062409