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Vote for Matt!

Beaminster Young Farmers Club have issued this statement asking us all to vote for Matt Frampton.

“Please vote for our brilliant Matt Frampton to win the Heart of YFC award.
If it wasn’t for Matt Frampton’s enthusiasm and commitment, Beaminster YFC might have folded a few years ago. He is considered the heart and the soul of the club and his passion for YFC has extended to his involvement at County, Area and national levels too.
From taking on different roles and encouraging others to get involved, Matt is described as being everything that YFC is about. He is currently Chairman of Dorset FYFC and as part of the Dorset FYFC Executive committee in the last few years he has spearheaded such events as the County Ball and made Dorset’s annual County Rally an event that is now shared with the public and raises funds for the Federation.
As County Chairman, he is described as approachable and always willing to listen, to learn and improve – and the best advocate for YFC’s values.
Matt’s commitment to YFC never waivers and even after his diagnosis and subsequent treatment for testicular cancer just before Christmas 2019, he still attended and led every County meeting.
Matt faced an intensive nine-week period of chemotherapy after it was discovered the cancer had spread but once again, he remained active in YFC, attending all meetings with a smiling face.
Matt’s battle with cancer and positive attitude inspired members of his County to pull together and launch a fundraising campaign to help raise awareness of the disease and show their support to their County Chairman.
There is no better reflection of Matt’s character and passion for YFC than in the huge response the County received off the back of such horrible news. The fundraising campaign raised £7,300 for Orchid – a charity which funds research, awareness and support to save men’s lives from male cancer.
With grace, courage and enthusiasm Matt has shown the YFC community that when people support each other, the possibilities are endless.”

Vote for Matt HERE. Done it – Good Luck Matt!

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Wendy Shields

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