Almost forty attended Monday evening’s Group Parish Council meeting on Zoom to hear their discussion re: Palmer’s proposition of operating the White Lion as a Commuity run pub. Cllr. David Leader, who chaired Monday’s meeting, stated that many discussions had already taken place including with The New Inn at Shipton Gorge – Palmers only other Community Pub. No satisfactory solution had yet been reached and there are more difficult negotiations to be had.
Palmers had approached Broadwindsor Group Parish Council as a last resort as no one suitaable or interested had come forward to take over the licence at the White Lion. Their initial proposal included a full repairing lease, which was refused.
Palmers would categorically not sell the pub. As the pub would be tied to Palmers, not allowing other brewery’s ales, they would have to be sympathetic with their price strategies. Village resident, with landlord experience, Luke Pickering commented “The remaining options are not particularly good for the Community.” Cllr. Leader replied saying that once there were firm proposals put forward, a public meeting would be called.
Other items included:
- Spending £8,953 for 2 SIDS (Speed Indicator Devices) for Broadwindsor and Drimpton came under much debate with a clear objection from Cllr. Hardwill. Cllr. Leader confirmed this would be a one off payment and the rotation of the devices would be carried out by volunteers. Residents John Newall and Sheila Hawkins, both members of the Speed Watch Group confirmed the SID’s effectiveness. Sheila Hawkins would place an ad in the village shop for volunteers. Payment was approved.
- Margery Hookings requested £100 for printing costs for Windrose’s Rural Media Trust’s new community project ‘The Place I Love’, which she is leading in Broadwindsor later this year. This was granted. The project has already been awarded funding by Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’s Stepping Into Nature scheme and its Sustainable Development Fund. Cllr. Rowe’s request to double the amount to £200 was refused.
- There were no new Covid-19 updates!
- Cllr. Bob Harris reported for the Comrades Hall Planning application, P/FUL/2021/01358. He stated that no one was home for comment at The Lodge and that he believed the Old Schoolhouse to be a holiday home. [In April 2021, published the fact that the Old Schoolhouse was being reoccupied by the family following repairs to the roof.] He did not see the 6 metre climbing frame as obtrusive to nearby residents. Although the solar panels were in contrast to the roof, the case for installation overides that. He recommended the application for approval.
- Co-chair of Broadwindsor Allotment Group, Sheila Hawkins reported that for the first time in many years, the allotment plots were almost full with just one 1/4 and one 1/2 plot available. Keeping beehives has been requested: the site would be at the top right (looking up from the gate) and fenced off. The National Allotment Society’s guidelines would be followed. Councillors are to take an informed decision at their next meeting in July.
The verges on the main road were problematical for drivers leaving the site as vision was obscured. Cllr. Andrew Frampton introduced Lloyd Curtis‘ son, Stuart who, when asked if he could continue his father’s work and cut the verge on the bottom bank of the allotments, responded “I can do that.” The Chairman thanked him and invited Stuart to consider taking over from his father as councillor for Burstock Ward stating it would be a wonderful decision. - The wildflower verges at Crosskeys in Broadwindsor came under criticism as shop manager Kevin Madder-Smith said customers had commented it is “the worst it’s looked in 5-6 years“. Cllr. dorothy Rowe, stated that there was slow progress this year due to the cold Spring weather, and the late verge cutting was delayed due to the wettest May on record. Kevn Madder Smith continued that the verges had not been cut enough making it difficult for dog walkers to pick up their dog’s mess. Cllr. Rowe stated she would contact Senior Ranger, Russell Goff.
- Hursey resident, James Brooke was granted permission to investigate and restore the Milestone Marker there. He also commented on the broken finger post sign and was told that there is an ongoing repair programme and that the piece that had broken off had indeed been recovered and was awaiting repair.
- James Brooke also voiced concern about the risk of a landslide on the B3164. This is to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
- The next meeting will be on Monday 7th July – whether online or face to face has yet to be decided.
We currently have 14 Elected Councillors – Click HERE to identify them.
Contact the Town Clerk:
#PALMERSBREWERY – how Palmers are advertising the pub.
