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White Lion Community Pub Update – May 22

A message from Chairman, Rick Dyke:

The White Lion reopened its doors nearly 3 weeks ago and it is difficult to imagine how it could have been more successful without offering food. We have already expressed our appreciation of the contributions from many that enabled us to get to this point but it is also important to acknowledge the support from the community since we reopened.
Not all pubs in the area are able to open 6 days a week and receive enough custom for that to be viable. Our aim is to keep it that way and with this in mind will be arranging regular events in the future which we hope will not only maintain current levels of support but hopefully attract new custom too. Watch this space.

However, it has not all been plain sailing and with the benefit of hindsight, some things would have been done differently. Without wishing to make any excuses and for reasons which need no further explanation, responsibilities on the Management Committee changed dramatically in March and with those changes came some necessary decisions as to where our priorities lay.
Consequently, some aspects were given a lower priority, for example membership certificates. We received over 200 requests for membership which is a testament to the support there is within the community. However, it is also a significant undertaking in both preparing and issuing the certificates. You should have received an update sooner but we can advise that the production of those certificates will be completed within the next few days and then the process of issuing the 200+ individual emails with the certificate as an attachment will start. We expect all certificates to have been issued before the end of the month and will provide an update to that effect.
Another aspect that could have been handled better was the offer of skilled help from various tradespeople within the community. Ultimately, there were more offers of assistance than were needed but this should have been communicated. If you offered your support but did not hear further, hopefully you can accept our sincere apologies.
To finish on a positive note, work is progressing well in getting our kitchen ready. We are not ready to give precise details as there are still some aspects that are out of our control but we hope that we will be ready to add to the Fun Group‘s food offering over the Jubilee weekend. An announcement will follow once details have been finalised. You may also be pleased to know that in addition to our food service, coffee will be available too!


Wendy Shields

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