Broadwindsor Fun Group

Broadwindsor Fun Group

Sadly, due to lack of members – Broadwindsor Fun Group disbanded in Autumn 2023.

Below is a record of what the group achieved 🙂




BFG sponsored a Village Party arranged by village resident John Staff – a happy and successful evening 🙂


** Our A.G.M. – Tuesday, 11th October 2022 **

Please click HERE to see our photographs
of our Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Souvenir Programmes are still available – ÂŁ1.00


  • Saturday, 19th May – Curry & Planning Meeting. More info to come.



February 2022 – Bingo.
January 2022 – Beetle Drive




Dec. 2021 – Festive Hamper

The Group held a Festive Hamper raffle following the cancellation of the Christmas party.
It was won by Janet and John Iveson of Hursey and raised £204 to go to BFG’s Jubilee celebrations in the village next June.

Dec. 2021 – Cancelled

Unfortunately, due to the the outbeak of the Omnicron variant in the village and surrounding areas, this event was cancelled.  Read more HERE.


Nov. 2021 – Fireworks


A huge success was the Fireworks event  in association with Broadwindsor Cricket Club with donations from Cllr. Simon Christopher and Broadwindsor House. More HERE.



2pm on Saturday, 18th September 2021 – Click HERE to read Chairman’s letter.


* Broadwindsor Fun Day 2021 *
Saturday, 14th August *

A fantastic day! See below…

To view all the Classic Cars that attended – Click HERE.

From the servery in the Comrades Hall, our wonderful W.I. served teas, coffees and their delicious home baked goods from 10am through to 5pm.

Classic Cars Display
10am – 12.30pm

Fewer than we’ve had previously but still enough to admire and chat to the owners.

Leader Emma House and her girls provided activities from 10am – 4pm. 

Strawberry Jam’s Holly
was there from 1pm – 3pm to entertain the younger ones.

From 2pm – 6pm…

Local Arts and Crafts stalls and plants from Potwell Nurseries were at the Comrades Hall 🙂 The bar was open from 2pm – 9pm.

Live music started at 3pm…

The beautiful and talented Nina Garcia was back in the village! Known to some from when she regularly performed in the White Lion a few years ago when Rich and Kate were the landlords, Nina started the live entertainment in Bernards’ Place (weather permitting).

The BBQ!

Also started at 3pm, in Bernards’ Place is the BBQ.
Catering for both meat & vegetarian customers 🙂

The Fun Day ended with live music from 7pm – 9pm…

from two of the four Leggomen – Bill & Olly.

AristotleBroadwindsor Fun GroupThe Broadwindsor Fun Group took over from what was known as the Jubilee Group, which formed in 2002 to celebrate the Queen’s GoldenJubilee with a street party. Since then, there had been annual Fun Day celebrations in the village square and in Bernards’ Place until the  Covid-19 pandemic.

The Core Committee of the Broadwindsor Fun Group consisted of:

  • Adrian Gray– Chairman.
  • Martin Burt – Vice Chairman.
  • Wendy Shields – Secretary, Admin & IT.
  • Michele Williams – Treasurer.
  • Lynne Staff – Catering.

Broadwindsor Fun Group take photos & videos at most of their events, including the annual Fun Day. These images will be used by the Broadwindsor Fun Group to share news about the Fun Day and to publicise our next Fun Day. Images may be used in press releases, printed publicity and published on’s website, Facebook Page and other social media. If you would prefer for you or your child not to be photographed, please speak to Wendy (01308 868776). If you would like to see your images, or would like us to delete them, please email the group on at any time. 

Pre the Covid-19 pandemic, throughout the year, there are also other fundraising events which will be restarting, such as coffee mornings and quizzes, to help pay for the big day in the summer. Any money left over is distributed to local groups.

We look forward to 2022 when we will then, all being well, celebrate our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!