Local Artists & Tutors

A BIG THANK YOU to ALL those below for their support 🙂 You’ll find a wide range of LOCAL talent and services. Please click on the individual’s name to visit their website or Facebook/Instagram page.

Guitar Tuition with Phil Rosenberg.

Tuition for both beginners and advanced players by a professional guitarist with vast experince of touring, recording and teaching.  Each lesson is tailored to the individual.
Contact Phil: 07817 984 105
Email: philip.sylvia@btopenworld.com

Izzy Masey Art

For Pastel paintings, such as favourite pets, including dearly departed…
Contact: 07721 620 131
Email: isabel.masey.im@gmail.com 

Peter Roe – Poet

Alliterative Artistic Autistic. Poet/Writer, Micro Publisher Wessex Media & Jawbone, Host at Bridport Apothecary.
Contact: 0787 659 6184
Email: media.chap@gmail.com

Sasha Slater – Portrait Artist

Exeter University student Sasha is self taught having started at the age of four. Human or pet, commissions are welcome.
Please contact Sasha directly through Instagram  đź™‚

Megan Simson – Circle Leader at WomanSpeak™

Assisting you in claiming your voice and your true power.
Call/text: 07379 747301 or
Email: megan@megansimson.com

Naomi Lancaster

Flute, Recorder and Music Theory teacher offering Private or Group lessons for everyone.
Contact: naomi.lancaster@btinternet.com
Call/text on: 07790 682860.



Inclusion into this local directory costs all artists an annual donation/registration fee of £20/year in support of Broadwindsor.Org (Registration periods are in April). This will include, at the Editor’s impartial discretion, promotional posts should you have an exhibition or performance to promote.
To be included
or amend your details – please contact:info@broadwindsor.org. Thank you!

Paying by BACS – please use your name as reference.
Account Name: Broadwindsor.org
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Account Number: 34903363


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to have your art or creative service reach a wider audience 🙂
ÂŁ20 / year