Every Monday:
- Coffee Club, 11am – 1.30pm
The Comrades Hall - Post Office Outreach Van, 12.15 – 1.15pm
The Comrades Hall Car Park
Every Tuesday:
- Fitness & Wellbeing Classes from 9am.
- Richard’s Fish ‘n’ Chip Van at the Village Square, 6pm
Every Wednesday:
- Pilates – evenings
Lewesdon Room, Comrades Hall. - Short Mat Bowls, 7pm
Main Hall, Comrades Hall.
Every Thursday:
- Post Office Outreach Van, 9.15 – 10.45am
The Comrades Hall Car Park
Every Friday:
- FareShare’s Larder, 9.30am
Drimpton Village Hall Car Park
Every Saturday:
- Pilates
Lewesdon Room, Comrades Hall.
- Yin Yoga, 10.30am
Lewesdon Room, Comrades Hall - Term Time Mondays/Thursdays:
1st Broadwindsor Girl Guides (Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, Rangers)
The Comrades Hall.
Tuesday, 4th March:
- Pancake Coffee Morning, 10.30am – 12 noon
The Comrades Hall - Gallery Quire, 7.00pm
The Comrades Hall
Wednesday, 5th:
- Quiz Night, 7.30pm
The White Lion
Thursday 6th:
- Lent Lunches 1st 0f 6, 12.30-2pm
The Comrades Hall
Friday, 7th:
- Beaminster Young Farmers “Tractor” Drive (Beetle drive), 7pm
The Comrades Hall
Monday, 10th:
- Broadwindsor Group Parish Council meeting
The Comrades Hall
Tuesday, 11th:
- SOS Village Volunteer Meeting, 7pm
Lewesdon Room, The Comrades Hall.
Wednesday, 12th:
- Drimpton Film Club, ‘Conclave‘, 7.30pm
Drimpton Village Hall.
Thursday 13th:
- Lent Lunches 2nd 0f 6, 12.30-2pm
The Comrades Hall
Friday, 14th:
- Open Mic Night,
The White Lion
Saturday, 15th:
- The Big Breakfast, 8.30am – 11.30am
The Comrades Hall
Sunday, 16th:
- Village Garage Sale, 10am – 2pm
Refreshments & bacon butties at Comrades Hall, 10am – 12noon - Live Music, Craich & Whiskey, 3.30pm
The White Lion.
Monday, 17th:
- St. Patrick’s Day
Tuesday, 18th:
- Gallery Quire, 7.00pm
The Comrades Hall - Folk Night, 7.30pm
The White Lion.
Wednesday, 19th:
- Bingo, 7.30pm
The White Lion
Thursday 20th:
- Lent Lunches 3rd 0f 6, 12.30-2pm
The Comrades Hall - Broadwindsor W.I., 7.30pm
The Comrades Hall
Friday, 21st:
- Broadwindsor Film Club, ‘Wicked’, 7.30pm
The Comrades Hall.
Saturday, 22nd:
- Afternoon volunteer working party
Comrades Hall and Bernards’ Place
Wednesday, 26th:
- Hedgehog Follow-up Meeting, 6.30pm
Drimpton Village Hall. - Record Vault Club, 7.30pm
The White Lion
Thursday 27th:
- Lent Lunches 4th 0f 6, 12.30-2pm
The Comrades Hall - Over 60s Meeting, 2.30pm
The Comrades Hall
Friday, 28th:
- Karaoke, 8.30pm
The White Lion