Our Parish Councillors

There are currently 13 elected Councillors who represent the five wards of Blackdown, Broadwindsor, Burstock, Drimpton and Seaborough. There are currently 2 vacancies: one for Broadwindsor Ward and the other for Drimpton Ward.

Broadwindsor Group Parish CouncilCouncillors are accountable to the electors of the Parish and have a number of areas of responsibilities and duties.
The last election took place on 13th May, 2024 and Councillors have been elected for 5 years.
The Council elects a Chairman and Vice Chairman annually. All Members of the Council are governed by the Code of Conduct and must disclose any disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs), in the interests of openness and transparency.
The Grouped Parish also has representation at Dorset Council.

The Current Members of the Council are:

Councillor Rick Dyke  (Chairman)
Broadwindsor Ward
Hursey Barn, Hursey, Dorset, DT8 3LN
01308 538453, 07772 005011, rdyke@broadwindsorgroup.gov.uk
Register of Interests
Find out more about Rick.

Councillor Rebecca Burt
Broadwindsor Ward
1 Orchard Mead, Broadwindsor DT8 3
Register of Interests

Councillor Nathalie Roberts
Broadwindsor Ward
Rock House, Broadwindsor, Dorset, DT8 3PX
01308 301382, nroberts@broadwindsorgroup.gov.uk  
Register of Interests
Find out more about Nathalie

Councillor Stephen Curtis
Broadwindsor Ward
Register of Interests

Councillor Garry Miller
Broadwindsor Ward
Redlands Lane, Broadwindsor DT8 3

Councillor Sonia Raymond
Blackdown Ward
Hurst Farm, School Lane, Blackdown, Dorset, DT8 3LE
01460 30471, 07768 933387,
Register of Interests

Councillor Tim Beer
Blackdown Ward

Councillor Yvonne White
Seaborough Ward
West Lea, Seaborough, DT8 3QY
01308 868030, 07982 699006,
Declaration of Interests

Councillor Andrew Frampton
Burstock Ward
Pound Cottage, Burstock, Dorset, DT8 3LL
01308 868960, aframpton@broadwindsorgroup.gov.uk
Declaration of Interests
Find out more about Andrew.

Councillor Chris Beck
Drimpton Ward

Councillor Philip Dixon
Drimpton Ward

Councillor Stuart Curtis
Burstock Ward
01308 868442, 07912 408934, scurtis@broadwindsorgroup.gov.uk
Register of Interests

Councillor Bob Harris
Drimpton Ward
1 Netherhay Lane, Drimpton, Dorset, DT8 3RL
01308 868849, bharris@broadwindsorgroup.gov.uk
Declaration of Interests
Find out more about Bob.

Councillor Simon Christopher
Dorset  Council (Marshwood Vale)
Hawthorne Cottage, Ryall Road, Whitchurch Canonicorum, Dorset, DT6 6RH
01297 489582, 07798 833715, cllrsimon.christopher@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Declaration of Interests

Details sourced from Broadwindsor Group Council website 2024

Please email the parish clerk at hello@broadwindsorgroup.gov.uk with any queries.