This is a jolly post-Lockdown event to be held in Drimpton Village Hall’s car park on Saturday, 5th December starting at 4pm.
COVID guidelines:
- Make space!
- No hugging friends.
- Gel your hands.
- Car Parking spaces will be available.
- Toilets will be open.
- Please bring plenty of £1 and 50p coins to avoid money handling.
In the event of really bad weather they may need to change the date – keep an eye on the Drimpton village website, Facebook and the village notice boards to be kept up to date.
#Broadwindsor,#Drimpton,#WestDorset,#PostLockdown#OutdoorChristmasMarket,#Christmas,#Community,#AdventWindows,#BeKind,#Social Distancing,#WearYourMask,#StaySafe