Full Strawberry Moon – 14th June

Strawberry Moon in June

Today’s Full Moon is also known as the Strawberry Moon, being the time of year for ripening strawberries.

There are many different names for the Full Moons experienced each year. Usually they’re not based on a colour, but on a common activity that takes place that time of year:

  • Blooming Moon is indicative of the flowering season.
  • Green Corn Moon and Hoer Moon suggest that it’s time to tend to young crops.
  • Birth Moon, referring to the time when certain animals are born in their region.
  • Egg Laying Moon and Hatching Moon are Cree terms that also hint at a time of many animal babies.
  • Honey Moon
  • Mead Moon

June was traditionally the month for marriages – it is even named after the Roman goddess of marriage, Juno. Following marriage comes the “honeymoon,” which give may give credence to one of this Full Moon’s names.

This is the second Supermoon of the year – Supermoons are often known to appear slightly larger than a normal Full Moon, up to 30% brighter and 17% larger, but in reality it seem to appear much the same, observed as a bright orb casting a slight golden tint.

The Summer Solstice is next Tuesday, 21st June.
