Full Moon – Thursday, 8th December

December’s Full Moon is aptly known as the Cold Moon. It will look its’ largest on Wednesday night as it is at its fullest at 04.08am on Thursday. Sunrise is at 7:52am on 8th December, so the best time to see the Cold Moon will be between 4am and 7am, as it lingers low on the horizon in a pre-dawn sky. The Moon will then slip below the horizon at 8:29am.

Other names that indicate the cold and snow given to this Full Moon are:

  • Drift Clearing Moon (Cree),
  • Frost Exploding Trees Moon (Cree),
  • Moon of the Popping Trees (Oglala),
  • Hoar Frost Moon (Cree),
  • Snow Moon (Haida, Cherokee),
  • Winter Maker Moon (Western Abenaki)
  • Moon When the Deer Shed Their Antlers (Dakota)
  • Little Spirit Moon (Anishinaabe).

This Full Moon has also been called the Long Night Moon (Mohican), as it rises during the “longest” nights of the year, which are near the December winter solstice.

In Europe, ancient pagans called the December Full Moon the “Moon Before Yule,” in honour of the Yuletide festival celebrating the return of the sun heralded by winter solstice.

Here are the Full Moon dates for 2023:

Full Moon date and time Full Moon name
6th January (11.07pm) Wolf Moon
5th February (6.28pm) Snow Moon
7th March (12.40pm) Worm Moon
6th April (5.34am) Pink Moon
5th May (6.34pm) Flower Moon
4th June (4.41am) Strawberry Moon
3rd July (12.38pm) Buck Moon
1st August (7.31pm)

31st August (2.35am)

Sturgeon Moon

Blue Moon

29th September (10.57am) Corn/Harvest Moon
8th October (9.24pm) Hunter’s Moon
27th November (9.16am) Beaver Moon
27th December (12.33am) Cold Moon


Full Moon – Sunday, 19th December

The cold weather is upon us and appropriately, December’s Full Moon is most commonly known as the ‘Cold Moon’. The Moon will be full at 04.35am on Sunday, 19th December.

Other names that indicate the cold and snow given to this Full Moon are:

  • Drift Clearing Moon (Cree),
  • Frost Exploding Trees Moon (Cree),
  • Moon of the Popping Trees (Oglala),
  • Hoar Frost Moon (Cree),
  • Snow Moon (Haida, Cherokee),
  • Winter Maker Moon (Western Abenaki)
  • Moon When the Deer Shed Their Antlers (Dakota)
  • Little Spirit Moon (Anishinaabe).

This Full Moon has also been called the Long Night Moon (Mohican), as it rises during the “longest” nights of the year, which are near the December winter solstice.

In Europe, ancient pagans called the December Full Moon the “Moon Before Yule,” in honour of the Yuletide festival celebrating the return of the sun heralded by winter solstice.

Full Moon calendar 2022

Full Moon date and time Full Moon name
17th January (11.48pm) Wolf Moon
16th February (4.56pm) Snow Moon
18th March (7.18am) Worm Moon
16th April (7.55pm) Pink Moon
16th May (05.14am) Flower Moon (total lunar eclipse)
14th June (12.51pm) Strawberry Moon
13th July (7.38pm) Buck Moon
12th August (2.36am) Sturgeon Moon
10th September (10.59am) Corn/Harvest Moon
9th October (9.55pm) Hunter’s Moon
8th November (11.02am) Beaver Moon
8th December (4.08am) Cold Moon

All times show the time of the full Moon at the Royal Observatory’s home in London, either in GMT or BST depending on the time of year. For full details see the 2022 Guide to the Night Sky


Full Moon on Wednesday, 30th December

The last Full Moon of the decade is known as The Cold Moon. This is a Mohawk name that conveys the frigid conditions of this time of year, when cold weather truly begins to grip us. This Full Moon has also been called the Long Night Moon (Mohican), as it rose during the “longest” nights of the year.

Ancient pagans called the December Full Moon the “Moon Before Yule,” in honour of the Yuletide festival celebrating the return of the sun heralded by winter solstice.

December’s Full Moon shines above the horizon for a longer period of time than most Full Moons.  There is an old saying “If a snowstorm begins when the Moon is young, it will cease at moonrise.

This Full Moon will rise over the horizon just before sunset on the 30th December. Until the end of the year, Jupiter and Saturn, very bright and beautiful, will still be visible just after sunset, although they sit low in the South West sky.
Throughout December, Venus in its faster orbit around the sun will be going farther and farther away from Earth but being the brightest planet, it is still visible in the morning sky.
