On St. George’s Day 2022 Broadwindsor.org celebrates it’s first successful year. Since this January, 2022, through Facebook alone, the site has reached 23,983 people!
- Businesses who supported the site last year will be shortly be receiving their renewal requests.
- Cost remains at £15/yr ‘til April 2023.
- Other businesses and Artists renew in October, still at £15/yr.
- Donations are always welcome.
- New businesses – payment by BACS preferred, using your name as reference.
Account Name: Broadwindsor.org
Sort code: 30-98-97
Account No.: 34903363
Operating as a not-for-profit organisation, thanks goes to the Broadwindsor Fun Group who recently paid for a (desperately needed) replacement printer. It is already being put to good use
Funds and kind donations received cover internet fees and administration costs. Additionally this year, Broadwindsor.org made a £25 donation to The White Lion’s fundraiser. There are no staff costs as the Editor’s work remains voluntary.
David Leader, a valued family friend, confidant, colleague and strong supporter of Broadwindsor.org, was the first to include his holiday accommodation to launch the organisation. He will continue to be sorely missed for his friendship, diplomacy skills, humour, advice, encouragement and his inspiring ability to make people want to help him with whatever endeavour he was dealing with – and they were many.
For those looking for information on St. George’s Day – Click HERE.
Thank you all for your continued support.