The Full Moon is at 00.55 hrs on Tuesday 21st September. The most popular name for this Full Moon is the Harvest Moon. You only have to look at the new What’s On pages to see the many harvest lunches and suppers taking place within the parish.
Also referred to as the Corn Moon or Barley Moon. Most of the names for the Moons come from the Native Americans and colonial times and tracked the seasons. Other Indian tribes would refer to this moon as
- “Moon When the Plums Are Scarlet” by the Lakota Sioux.
- “Moon When the Deer Paw the Earth” by the Omaha.
- “Moon When the Calves Grow Hair” by the Sioux.
The first Super New Moon of the year takes place on November 4th/5th. Like all New Moons, it won’t be visible from Earth, but the dark night skies will provide great opportunities for some great night sky watching