Sheep Grazing At Hursey Common’s Sport Field

**Attention Dog Owners & Walkers**

This summer there has been terrible trouble with the mower and it is currently not working. As a consequence the grass at Hursey Common has got too long to be cut, in order to reduce the grass length sheep are grazing the field and will stay there until it is eaten down in a few days.

Please share this information with other dog owners you know/see as not everyone uses the internet and/or social media.

Thank you.


Prevent Heat Stroke In Your Dog

Local temperatures today are forecast to reach up to 29 degrees and continue for the next few days. Bridport Neighbourhood Policing Team have issued a reminder to dog owners not to leave their dog in a car. Even with the windows partly wound down your dog can suffer from heatstroke and die.
Walk your dog in the morning or evening when it’s cooler to reduce the risk of heatstroke and burning their paws on the pavement.  The RSPCA suggests trying the ‘5 second test‘ – where if it’s too hot to place your hand on the pavement for five seconds, it’s too hot for paws to walk on.

The Warning signs of heatstroke are:

  • Is your dog panting heavily?
  • Is your dog drooling excessively?
  • Does the dog appear lethargic or drowsy?
  • Is the dog collapsed or vomiting?

Emergency First Aid for dogs:

For the best chance of survival, dogs suffering from heatstroke urgently need to have their body temperature lowered gradually:
  • Move him/her to a shaded/cool area.
  • Immediately douse the dog with cool (not cold) water, to avoid shock. If possible, you can also use wet towels or place him/her in the breeze of a fan.
  • Allow the dog to drink small amounts of cool water.
  • Continue to douse the dog with cool water until his/her breathing starts to settle but never so much that he/she begins to shiver.
  • Once the dog is cool, take him/her to your vet as a matter of urgency.

Signs of burned pads:

Look out for the following:

  • limping or refusing to walk
  • licking or chewing at the feet
  • pads darker in colour
  • missing part of pad
  • blisters or redness

Local Vets:

  • Girling & Bowditch, Tunnel Road, Beaminster: 01308 862312
  • Bredy Veterinary Centre, Bridport: 01308 4567771
  • Haydon Vets, Gore Cross, Bridport:013088 4568083
  • Kingfisher Veterinary Practice, Tower Hill Road, Crewkerne: 01460 72443


Monensin Toxicity In Dogs

Charter Veterinary Surgeons have issued this warning:


A warning from one of our Vets.

Last weekend we said good bye to Inca, our 3 year old ‘dog of a lifetime’ Labrador (photographed). Out on a local walk on a well trodden footpath (one we’ve walked for 10 years +) she picked up a kexxtone bolus containing monensin. Even though we managed to get it off her within seconds of her picking it up, she started vomiting and seizuring after 20 minutes of ingesting the toxin. After a long 48 hours of intensive treatment and the worst weekend of my life, she lost her battle and ended up passing away.

Please see photo of the boluses below. A kexxtone bolus is administered to a cow to release monensin in order to avoid certain metabolic diseases and to increase milk yield.

The boluses are meant to stay in the cows stomach for the duration of it’s life. Unfortunately some cows regurgitate the boluses so they end up on farmland. This leaves them open to dogs to pick them up.

We have since been to the farmer, who we know, to discuss what happened. We are not blaming the farmer as it was pure bad luck. But we want to prevent it happening to anyone else in the future. The farmer had NO clue that monensin is toxic to dogs, horses, wildlife etc. We have since asked our local farming community and had similar responses.

So here’s my advice:

FARMERS: please be aware of the toxic effects these can have on dogs, horses and wildlife. If using them then PLEASE keep an eye out for regurgitated ones or have warning signs up on footpaths where they might be present. Even if the cows are housed 24/7, the regurgitated boluses can end up being spread in the muck on fields. You also need to be aware of the risks for your own farm dogs so make sure they were well out of their reach.

DOG WALKERS: if walking on footpaths that go through farmland please keep an eye out for these. They’re not very commonly found but the consequences on your beloved pet are not worth the risk. If you see your dog with one then get them to drop it as soon as you can and take them to your vet IMMEDIATELY.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. We are also contacting the drug company to try and get more obvious warnings on the packaging and the things themselves. Although it breaks my heart to have to write this and nothing will ever prepare you for the sudden loss of such a huge part of your life, if we can stop it from happening to any other dogs in the future then it’ll help.”

Please feel free to share this post to pass on the message to others.


Dog Blood Donors Wanted

Could your dog help save another dog’s life?

Bredy Veterinary Centre in Bridport are looking for more local dogs as blood donors for emergency situations where they have a sick dog that needs a blood transfusion. They do already have several dogs on their donor list but ideally need some more.

There are quite strict criteria for donor dogs as follows…
🐶 Large dog 25kg or above
🐶 1-8 years old
🐶 Vaccinated & up to date with annual boosters
🐶 Ideally up to date with flea, tick & worm treatments
🐶 Not on medication
🐶 Have never travelled abroad
🐶 Have a good nature
They offer a free booster or consultation for any donor dogs! They are also blood typed free of charge!
They do have a dog blood bank in the UK, but it’s often quicker for them to call in a local donor.
If you think your dog might be able to help, please telephone: 01308 456771
or email: to discuss.  Thank you!Scroll#Broadwindsor,#Burstock,#Blackdown,#Drimpton,#Hursey,#Kittwhistle,#Seaborough,#Dorset,#WestDorset,#Pets,#BloodDonor,#Vets,#Dogs,#NationalLockdown,#2021,#SocialDistancing,#BeKind,#BeSafe,#StaySafe

Fixed Penalty Notice in Force For Irresponsible Dog Owners

The Dorset Council wide Dog related Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) came into force on the 1 January 2021. During that first month Dorset Council focused on advice and guidance to dog-owners explaining the new rules. The new rules were published on this website on 29th December 2020 – click HERE to read or re-read them.

The PSPO places restrictions on dog owners in control of their dogs. These restrictions include clearing up dog fouling and proper disposal of the waste in any open space. On certain land dogs are not allowed on marked sports pitches or enclosed children’s play areas or are required to be on lead, such as in cemeteries, formal gardens etc. There are also dog restrictions on some beaches relating to certain times of the year, see the map below for beach locations.

Dorset CouncilFrom yesterday (February 1st) if the rules are broken, fixed penalty notices (FPN) may be issued by enforcement officers. These can also be served by post if a witness provides details of the dog owner, such as their address, or their vehicle registration number and are willing to provide a suitable witness statement.
The current penalty level is set in legislation as £100 to be paid within 28 days. Early payment, within 14 days, will reduce this to £75.

To read more on the Dog Protection PSPO – click HERE

For more detailed information on where, when and what the restrictions are, if any, at Dorset’s Dog Friendly beaches – please click HERE.


New Rules for Dogs from 1st Jan 2021

A dog related Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) across the Dorset Council area comes into force on 1 January.

Notice of making a Public Spaces Protection Order under Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014

1. Dorset Council has carried out the necessary consultation on its proposal to make The Dorset Council Dog Related Public Spaces Protection Order 2020 (the PSPO’) in accordance with section 72 of the above Act.
2. The PSPO has now been made in accordance with section 59 of the Act and it comes into force on the 1st January 2021 and will expire on the 31st December 2023
3. For further information on the content of the Order, penalty levels, maps and exemptions visit HERE.
4. Under the provisions of section 66 of the Act an interested person may apply to the High Court within 6 weeks from the date that the PSPO is made to question its validity on the grounds that:
(a) that the local authority did not have the power to make the order or variation, or to include particular prohibitions or requirements imposed by the order (or by the order as varied);
(b) that a requirement under Chapter 2 of the Anti-social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 was not complied with in relation to the order.
5. An ‘interested person’ is defined by section 66(2) of the Act as being an individual who lives in the restricted area or who regularly works in or visits that area.
Dated this 27th day of October 2020

For the first few weeks the Council will focus on advice and guidance to dog-owners explaining the new rules.
The order replaces a number of existing dog related PSPOs across the Dorset Council area. The intention is that the new Order will provide clarity and consistency across the area for dog owners and non-owners alike about dog controls on public open spaces such as beaches, sports fields and other public areas.

Cllr Jill Haynes, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community Services said:
The order has been made to protect the health of Dorset residents and visitors and is particularly aimed at areas that children and families use.
“It focuses on times and places that attract families, but leaves a variety of open spaces, countryside and beaches where there aren’t any restrictions.
“It is a compromise, and as such, won’t be everyone’s ideal situation but it provides a balance for dog owners and non-owners.”

The order follows a 15-week consultation that received 8,602 responses. 83% of responses were from local residents, with 15% from visitors and 2% other organisations. 64% of responses came from dog owners and 36% from non-dog owners. 6.6% of the respondents  considered they had a disability. The recommendations from the consultation were considered and approved by the Place and Resources Overview Committee in September and Dorset Council Cabinet in October.

Dorset Council’s Responsibilities of a dog owner:

Animal welfare

Under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 you are responsible for your dog to ensure they get the best out of life. They should be given a suitable environment, a suitable diet, be able to exhibit normal behaviour patterns, be able to socialise with their own breed and be protected from pain, suffering, injury and disease in relation to the size, breed and age. The RSPCA can give you additional guidance.

Ensure your dog carries identification

By law, a dog should wear a tag inscribed with the owner’s name and address. You should also include an up to date mobile phone number. This is so that if your dog goes missing, the finder will be able to contact you. It is compulsory for all dogs to have a microchip fitted with their owner’s details. Owners must ensure their details are up to date with the microchipping company, it is an offence not to do so under the Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015.

Dogs under eight weeks old are exempt from the microchipping law. Dogs can also be exempt through a certificate issued by a registered vet. If you are buying a puppy, the breeder should have microchipped it and added their details, the breeder should then provide you with the information needed to change the chip to your details.

If your pet has a microchip and goes missing, the scanners held by the:

  • police
  • dog wardens
  • vets

help identify your pet’s unique chip number to re-unite you with your dog.
Even if your dog is microchipped, it must wear a tag in a public place to be legal.

Clear up after your dog

Everyone knows of the potential for dog faeces to carry disease as well as unpleasant odour when caught on shoes or wheels of wheelchairs, prams, bikes or scooters. It is an offence not to clear up after dogs and offenders are likely to receive a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN). There are a few exceptions but, in general terms, any open land that the public has access to, whether by payment or not, is covered by this legislation, unless you have the direct permission of the land owner.

Dog waste can be ‘bagged and binned’ in any litter or dog bin, or taken home and deposited in your waste bin. Follow the ‘Doggy Doo’ code.

Keep your dog under control when on and off a lead

The person responsible for the dog should be able to ensure that the dog will return to heel when requested, having good recall, and will respond to simple commands. That person should also be able to hold or restrain the dog should the need arise. Dogs should be under the control of a suitable person at all times.

Prevent your dog from straying

Please ensure that your home and garden are secure against escape. Neutering may also curb your dog’s urge to stray.

Do not leave your dog in a hot car

Even an open window may not be enough to be sure a dog will not over heat. It may be better to leave dogs at home where they have the comfort of shade and available drinking water.  See RSPCA Dog Advice & Welfare for more information on your obligation to your dog.  If you are concerned about a dog left in a car on a hot day please dial 999.

Make sure your dog doesn’t bark excessively

We all recognise that dogs bark, however, excessive dog barking is both stressful to the dog and upsetting to those listening to it. If you believe that you have a problem or have been advised that your dog barks excessively then consider what action you can take to resolve the problem. It may be that your dog is bored or anxious when left alone. A low volume radio left on can help to settle your dog but you may want to think about training your dog or speaking to a dog warden for advice.

Where no challenge is lodged the Order will automatically begin on the 1 January 2021.

The Order includes:

  1. removal and disposal of dog faeces for all public spaces
  2. dogs to be excluded from identified areas, such as enclosed children’s play areas or marked sport pitches, and on certain named beaches between 1 May and 30 September
  3. dogs to be kept on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer
  4. dogs to be kept on lead in identified areas these may be generic or specifically identified, such as council owned allotments or car parks, formal gardens, church yards etc. and extends 5m from the marked sports pitch edge.

Details are supplied in the schedules of the Order along with maps to assist.

Exemptions apply which mainly relate to those with poor dexterity or disability preventing them collecting dog faeces, as well as enabling those with assistance dogs to access dog excluded areas, these are described in the Order.

An Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) was supplied for Cabinet and was used to formulate the exemptions within the Order, to assist with enforcement and ensure signage was appropriate for all.

Information signs are provided to show where the areas of restriction are and the nature of the offence associated with it. Clearance of fouling signs are generally found only in areas where there is a level of high deposition and owners are acting irresponsibly by not collecting and disposing appropriately.  If you are going to visit other areas outside of the Dorset Council one, please ensure you check with the Local Authority for that area to see if any restrictions apply. There also remains local land owner restrictions, if you are travelling across private land please ensure that you follow any request about how you control your dog.

Dogs on leads by direction

Some of the current PSPOs have a dogs on leads by direction element.  They would respectfully ask that if you are requested to put your dog on a lead you do so. The reason an authorised officer will request this might be that they wish to speak to you, or your dog may be causing undue distress to people or dogs in the immediate area. Where the Order exists a fine may be issued for failing to do so.

Further advice

The Dog Warden is happy to speak to members of the public on all dog related issues. If you have queries please contact the Dog Warden Service HERE. (You have to submit your email address and Register on their online portal to make contact.)


Sheep On Lewesdon Hill Attacked By Dog

Local farmer, Jo Stover is appealing for information and reminding people to keep their dogs on a lead when walking through a field with livestock.
Her message earlier this afternoon: “I have a small group of my Portland ewes in a field along the Wessex Ridgeway on Lewesdon Hill. I checked them at 3 o’clock this afternoon. At 5 ‘o’clock I brought a ram up to the field to join them. I found two ewes had been ATTACKED by a dog. One was bitten on the neck, the other at the back end. All of the ewes were in a state of absolute terror. I believe this attack was from a local dog – the visitors have left because of lockdown. I am very upset and really angry at the disgusting behaviour of the dog owner. Keep your dogs on leads, you are a horrible person.
I know this attack happened between 3 and 5 this afternoon, 5th November. I would appreciate if anyone has further information. And if you are walking anywhere near my fields with your dog off a lead please expect an angry women to tell you to **** off my farm. Please remember a dog bothering sheep may be shot by the farmer.” –  Jo Stover.

Young Dog Dies of Blue Algae Poisoning in River Yeo

Just next door in Somerset, this beautiful dog, Fern sadly lost her young life last night due to Blue Algae poisoning from the river Yeo. Fern was swimming in the weir at Mudford, Yeovil.

Naturally, the family are devastated. They have shared her photograph and want to highlight the incident and remind all dog owners to please “be aware that this awful deadly algae can kill your much loved family pet within minutes.  Please tell anyone who may be walking their dogs along this river“. published a post at the beginning of August 2020 highlighting the dangers and symptoms of Blue Algae Poisoning. Read the full article HERE.

If you become aware of a location with Blue Green Algaeplease report it to the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60.
They will be able to test the water and put a sign up to warn other people if blue-green algae is found. It’s better to be safe than sorry so if you’re worried, please report it.


Dog Owners: Be Aware of Blue Green Algae Poisoning

Blue Green Algae (or ‘cyanobacteria’), is a type of bacteria, most commonly found in stagnant water. It is dangerous and deadly to dogs!  This is a seasonal problem but so dangerous that dog owners need reminding!
It’s called ‘algae’ because it often forms a green scum on the surface of water. Not all types of blue green algae are dangerous, but some produce toxins that spread throughout the water and if swallowed, can cause organ damage and potentially death.

Your dog is at risk of blue green algae poisoning if they swim in, or drink contaminated water. Blue green algae can be difficult to spot and its toxins can’t be seen by the naked eye. However, the bacteria does produce a potent odour has been compared to rotting vegetables – so it’s very important to know what to look out for before allowing your dog to swim.

This is alarming but the British Veterinary Association has stated that dogs and other pets exposed to the algae could experience vomiting, diarrhoea, disorientation and seizures, potentially leading to liver damage and death.

Symptoms, which usually arise anywhere from 15 minutes to several days after exposure may include:

  • Diarrhea or vomiting
  • Drooling
  • Neurologic signs such as:
  • Weakness
  • Disorientation/confusion
  • Collapse/unconsciousness
  • Seizures
  • Breathing difficulties

If any of these signs occur, contact your vet immediately. If caught early enough, your vet may be able to flush out the toxins before your dog becomes completely affected.

Lunar @ HurseyIf you become aware of a location with Blue Green Algaeplease report it to the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60. They will be able to test the water and put a sign up to warn other people if blue-green algae is found. It’s better to be safe than sorry so if you’re worried, report it.

#Broadwindsor #BlueGreenAlgae #BritishVeterinaryAssociation #Dogs #Summer #EnvironmentAgency #StaySafe


Photo Credit: Morgan Fleming