The new service times for Broadwindsor Post Office are:
- Mondays 12.15 – 1.15pm &
- Thursdays 9.15 – 10.45am
The P.O. mobile van is here for a shorter time than we have been used to and every effort is being made for the the new Post Office change to run smoothly. Please, during this transition period, patience and cooperation is required at times but customers can be assured that no one has to wait outside in the wet/cold… Seating and warmth is available in the Comrades Hall Foyer, with you looking after your turn. This will also help with establishing a queuing system at very busy times.
To coincide with the new hours, you’ll also have the opportunity to enjoy fresh coffee or tea and the chance for a chat in in the warmth of the Servery inside Comrades Hall on:
- Mondays from 11.00am to 1.30pm &
- Thursdays from 9.00 am to 11.00am
A date for your diary: Monday, December 18th – there will be mulled wine, sausage rolls, mince pies, etc. to celebrate the Christmas season along with a raffle for a hamper. The Comrades Hall 100 Club December draw will also be held that morning.
More Volunteers are needed to keep this social aspect around the PO visit going by manning a coffee pot and chatting for an hour or two! Please come along and offer your help
Do come along and support the Coffee Club and Post Office, this is a valuable service we need to maintain for the benefit of the village.
Thank you