June 1st marks the start of Volunteers Week each year, when we highlight the contribution made by those who give up their time for their communities.
We have soooo much to be thankful for in our community! Here are some of the things that happen in our village that would not happen if it weren’t for those who contribute their time and skills free of any charge. Apologies to those missed out – send a message to be added to the list!
- Our Village Shop, Broadwindsor Community Stores
- Our Village Pub, The White Lion
- The Comrades Hall
- Transformation in Bernards’ Place
- Restoration of the Telephone Box to Book Exchange
- Broadwindsor Fun Group
- Post Office Users Group
- Maintenance of sports field at Hursey Common
- Broadwindsor Allotments
- Rainbows, Brownies, Guides & Rangers
- Broadwindsor Community Land Trust
- Drivers
- Broadwindsor School
- Broadwindsor Community Film Club
- FMR Trust
- Broadwindsor Eco Group
- The W.I.
- Litter pickers
- Short Mat Bowls
- Broadwindsor Bell Ringers
- Those who deliver the Broadwindsor News parish magazine
- Those who empty the Tetra Pak and Foil Bins at The Comrades Hall
- The Editor of this website