Today is Tuesday, being called Twosday because of the date.
22.02.2022 is both a palindrome (reads the same forwards and backwards) and a ambigram (on a calculator it reads the same upside down). More twos to be seen at twenty two minutes and 22 seconds past ten this evening: 22:22:22
The date is unqique in that it last happened once before, more than a thousand years ago on 11.01.1011. There will never be a 33.03.3033 as there is not month with 33 days in it.
The palindome has only happened twice before on 1.11.11 and 11.11.11. The next one will occur in 11 years, as Threesday – 3.3.33.
In 100 years, there will be a 22.2.22. There will also be the 22.2.2222, but that will fall on a Friday.
Across the world, Twosday is a lighthearted date and one to be celebrated as its next occurrence won’t be until the next millennium.
In numerology, the 222 sequence of numbers are often referred to as Angel Numbers. Also, the number 2 in numerology references the energy of duality, partnership, relationship and balance. The key lessons when dealing with the number 2 are generally centered around compromise, acceptance, compassion, cooperation and harmony.
Today is also World Thinking Day…
Celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship. It is an opportunity to speak out on issues that affect young women and fundraise for 10 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 150 countries.
Enjoy your day 