News From The White Lion, Broadwindsor

As of Friday 4th December (until further notice) we will be opening our pub:

  • Friday evening – 6pm – 10pm – Food served 6pm – 9pm Only 2 seats remaining at the time of publishing!
  • Saturday evening – 6pm – 10pm – Food served 6pm – 9pm – Limited seats remaining for this weekend.
  • Sunday – 12 noon – 5pm – Food served 12 noon – 3pmLimited seats remaining for this weekend.

AristotleWe continue to offer you a Takeaway meal service:


Our Takeaway menu is below and we update the specials weekly and publish them on our Facebook page and on the website.
Takeaway meals are available to collect on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings from 6pm – 8pm
We do a Takeaway Sunday Roast dinner too! Contact us by 5pm on Saturday and you can collect between 12 noon – 2pm.
White Lion L2 Takeaway

White Lion L2 Takeaway SundayA personal message from Spike & Vikki to all their customers –

❤  AS ALWAYS – we thank you for your continued support and understanding throughout these strange times. ❤Aristotle

Parcel Delivery Problems

Although shopping online may be very easy and convenient for some – already people are experiencing problems with orders – in particular parcel delivery.

Most recently, a Hursey resident reported:I had three packages from Amazon left in my garden none of which were for me. My neighbour saw the driver and tried to explain they were not for me but he couldn’t understand. I have redelivered them but thought all should be aware this may happen to them.”

A resident in Redlands Lane messaged through the Facebook page and enquired: “Has anyone in the Broadwindsor area been having trouble with parcels from Royal Mail ? They say I have had 2 parcels delivered & signed for but I haven’t.

At Yarn Barton there have been issues with Hermes.

Here are the details to contact re: Lost Parcels:

  • Bridport Sorting Office: 01308 422499
  • Royal Mail: 03457 740740
  • Hermes: 0330 808 5456
  • Amazon on their website have a “Package didn’t arrive” option if you go to your order list and select problem with order.  They also have a live chat facility.


A Christmas Star On The Solstice

To end our chaotic year of 2020, from now until 25th December, it may look like a very bright star in the sky but in fact, it will be the conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter.

Photo Credit: Neil deGrasse Tyson

Since the summer, the two planets have been approaching one another more closely than in many generations.  From Dec. 16th – 25th, the two will be separated by less than the diameter of a Full Moon.  The last time this happened, Galileo was alive.
Professor of Physics & Astronomy at Rice University, Houston, Texas, Patrick Hartigan said in a press release: “You’d have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky.”

In reality, the planets risk no collision and it is the perspective from here on Earth that they appear so close together.

They now appear low in the Western sky for about an hour after sunset each evening.  The further North you are, the less time you will have to catch them before they fall below the horizon.

It is estimated that the planets will not be this close again until March 15, 2080, and after that, the next time will be in the year 2400.


Broadwindsor School Seek New Governors

Broadwindsor School is looking for volunteers to become co-opted Governors.

This is an important and rewarding role. You need no formal qualifications, but enthusiasm, team skills and commitment are important.
Being part of the Governing Body enables you to help provide the framework for its three key functions:

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.

If you would be interested in becoming a Governor or would like more information, please contact our Clerk at
Alternatively, please visit the school website or call the school office on 01308 868376.

Thank you.
Dave Chumbley, Chair of Governors.


2 Local Schools Report Covid-19

The information provided was sourced from the Bridport News website:

Mountjoy School, based in Beaminster, confirmed a person within the school had tested positive for Covid-19 and was last in the school on Wednesday, November 25th.

A statement on Mountjoy’s School’s website reads:

“We are continuing to monitor the situation and are working closely with Public Health Dorset and Dorset Council.  All close contacts of the confirmed case have been identified and asked to self-isolate. The person who has tested positive was last in school on Wednesday, November 25 and only one class group has been in contact.  Unless you have been specifically notified that your child is a close contact, you do not need to take any further action at this stage.”

The Woodroffe School, based in Uplyme Road in Lyme Regis, confirmed that a student had tested positive for Coronavirus while another student had their positive test result reversed following a laboratory error.

The school, which remains open, had sent a letter to parents and carers on Friday (November 27) confirming the news.

Public Health Dorset is aware of the cases within the West Dorset schools and are assisting them along with Dorset Council and Public Health England South West.

Sam Crowe, Director of Public Health for Dorset and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Councils said: “All close contacts of the confirmed cases have been notified and need to self-isolate for 14 days.

“Contacts of the confirmed cases should get tested if they go on to develop symptoms. Even if people test negative, they must still self-isolate for 14 days.”



The Bishops’ Kitchen – Dec 20

This month we offer you two recipes to use up turkey leftovers:


1 tbsp. cooking oil, 1 large onion thickly sliced, 1 green pepper deseeded & chopped, 1 jar ( bought) curry sauce of your choice, 2 garlic cloves crushed, 400g chopped tomatoes, 1 apple sliced, 2 tbsp. currants, 2 tbsp. mango chutney, 300 g turkey leftover diced, 300 g leftover potatoes roast or boiled, diced small pack coriander roughly chopped, 100ml turkey gravy. 

Heat oil in pan add onion & pepper & cook for 3-4 mins. Stir in curry sauce & garlic, cook for 1 min and add tinned toms, gravy  & sliced apple & cook for 3 mins. Add turkey, potatoes, currants & chutney and cook for 2-3 mins. If too thick add a little water. Scatter with coriander & serve naan bread & rice.


For the cheese pastry:
50g cheddar cheese, grated 175g self-raising flour, 75g butter, ½ tsp mustard powder, salt & freshly milled black pepper

For the filling:
275-350 g cooked turkey, plus ham (optional) thinly sliced, salt & pepper, 450 g leeks sliced, 100g cheddar cheese grated, 40g butter plus 1 tsp, 425ml mixture milk & cream, pinch grated nutmeg, 2 eggs beaten,  cayenne pepper

To make pastry, rub flour & butter together till crumbly. Add cheese, mustard & seasoning & just enough cold water to make a dough, cover & place in fridge. Place the tsp.of butter in pan with leeks & gently cook for 6 mins, strain over a bowl & set aside. Roll out pastry to line 25cm quiche tin, prick with fork & pre-bake for 15mins @190c/gas mark 5.
Put butter, milk & flour in pan & bring to boil, whisking all the time until you have a smooth thick sauce. Add seasoning & nutmeg & leave to simmer for 5 mins.
Remove pastry from oven & arrange leeks over the base followed by slices of turkey, ¾  of cheese & egg & mix well. Pour sauce onto flan & sprinkle remaining cheese & a dusting of cayenne. Bake flan for 25-30mins or until nicely browned on top. 



Drimpton Outdoor Christmas Market – Saturday 5th December

This is a jolly post-Lockdown event to be held in Drimpton Village Hall’s car park on Saturday, 5th December starting at 4pm.

COVID guidelines:

  • Make space!
  • No hugging friends.
  • Gel your hands.
  • Car Parking spaces will be available.
  • Toilets will be open.
  • Please bring plenty of £1 and 50p coins to avoid money handling.

In the event of really bad weather they may need to change the date – keep an eye on the Drimpton village website, Facebook and the village notice boards to be kept up to date.

#Broadwindsor,#Drimpton,#WestDorset,#PostLockdown#OutdoorChristmasMarket,#Christmas,#Community,#AdventWindows,#BeKind,#Social Distancing,#WearYourMask,#StaySafe