The White Lion & Proposed Smoking Ban

Rick Dyke, Chairman of the Broadwindsor Community Pub, The White Lion spoke to Lucy Ambache on Radio Solent earlier this evening on the topic of the ban on smoking in pub gardens and other outdoor venues which is being considered because of the “huge burden” smoking puts on the NHS and the taxpayer, Sir Keir Starmer confirmed.

To  listen to Rick’s interview & comments, please play the (almost) 9 minute mp3 below 🙂

Support your local community pub!
Telephone: 01308 867070 to reserve your table 🙂 or
Follow on Facebook for news & updates.

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#Mosterton #TheWhiteLion #Legislation #CigarettesBan  #RadioSolent #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Christmas In July At The White Lion

Who says that you can’t enjoy a full Christmas dinner in the middle of the year?  And why not?

On Sunday, 28th July at The White Lion, Clive will be offering a 2 course Christmas menu for £26.00.  It will be necessary to pre-order and pay a deposit of £10 per person.

Choose from:

  • Roast Turkey
  • Roast Gammon
  • Roast Beef
  • Vegetable Wellington (V)

All accompanied with Pigs in blankets, Yorkshire pudding, Roast potatoes, Sage and onion stuffing balls, vegetables and gravy.

Desserts on offer are:

  • Christmas pudding with custard
  • Mince pie
  • Trifle (V)

Telephone: 01308 867070 to reserve your table 🙂 or

Christmas Garland
#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Village #Community #WestDorset #Dorset #Mosterton #TheWhiteLion #ChristmasInJuly #YumYum #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Richard’s Chip Van At The White Lion On Tuesdays

Following the awful news of Richard‘s traffic accident in L&F’s Catering van last weekend, Chairman of the White Lion Community pub, Rick Dyke and chef, Clive Dammert met to discuss how the community could help…

Happy to say Clive is opening his kitchen for Richard and his team to operate from on Tuesday evenings, serving from 6pm until their van is back on the road 🙂

Pre-orders would be preferred – 07942 467 656

To reserve a table at the White Lion – please telephone 01308 867070.

Wishing Richard and Charlotte the best wishes for their challenging future.


#Broadwindsor #Blackdown #Burstock #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #Community #Village #Summer
#TheWhiteLion #HelpOut #L&FCatering  #SupportLocalBusiness #CommunityPub #Enjoy #BeSafe #StaySafe

The White Lion – Village Survey, Spring 2024

At the time of publishing, most villagers will have received their questionnaire & accompanying letter through their letter boxes.  Please note any comments made on social media will be noted but only the questionnaires hand delivered and collected will be taken into account.
It reads:

Last month, The White Lion, Broadwindsor marked its second birthday since re-opening as a community-run pub. The managers, the committee and the volunteers work very hard to provide a comfortable and inviting venue for all the residents of Broadwindsor and beyond. But of course, there is always room for improvement.

The pub is run by the community, for the community, and so the aim of this survey is to find out what you like or don’t like about the pub, and what the team can do to make it even more attractive to more people.

The team would be very grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete this survey to let them know your thoughts and opinions. Even if you don’t visit the pub very often, your views are really important. The survey is anonymous and there is no requirement to give any personal details.

The management team hope to analyse the responses to this survey and use the information to help formulate a plan for future improvements to the pub. If you would like to be informed of these conclusions, please email

How the pub is run

The White Lion premises are owned by Palmers Brewery who supply all the drinks and associated products to the pub. The day-to-day running of the pub is managed by Kerry and Clive who are employed by the management committee. This committee currently consists of eight elected volunteers, each of which are allocated a specific role, who take care of the behind-the-scenes business matters. There is also a dedicated team of volunteers and kitchen porters who help out behind the bar, in the kitchens and with table service, and are also responsible for general maintenance and decoration of the pub. The pub is run as a not-for-profit organisation. Any and all profit made is used to maintain and improve the pub and the services it provides. More details can be found on the website:

The Survey

Most questions are in the form of a statement to which you can agree or disagree on a scale of 1 – 5. Other questions ask for specific answers which can be ticked or circled. Mark all those that apply. No questions are compulsory.

You can view the full 7 page survey HERE.

Questions cover all aspects of the pub: food; drink selection; service; decor; entertainment; accessibility and you do have the opportunity to make your comments and suggestions 🙂

It is our community pub and proudly belongs to our community – please complete your copy and have it collected because your opinion counts! Thank you.

Would you like to get involved?

There are a number of ways you can contribute to the running of the pub…

Become a Volunteer.

There is a dedicated team of trained volunteers who help out behind the bar and with table service. Also, there is always work to do in upkeep and maintenance of the pub, inside and out. If you think you have something to offer as part of this team, please email for more details. Appropriate training will be given.

Become a Donor

In 2021-22, a hugely successful fundraiser collected a significant amount of money to refurbish the pub and finance the reopening. Many people from the village and further afield gave generously towards that fundraiser. A proportion of that money is still in hand, but from time to time, repairs and improvements are needed to the fabric of the pub and investment is required for new or replacement hardware, especially for the kitchens, which can incur substantial costs. The committee endeavours to raise as much as possible through grants, but some of these require match-funding. If you generously donated in 2021-22, then thank you again. If you didn’t make a donation then, or would like to donate again, then please email for more information.

Become a Pub Member

Many of those who donated also took the option to become a ‘pub member’. This membership entitles the person to attend and vote at the Annual Members Meeting (AMM) where committee members are elected and important decisions concerning the running of the pub are voted on by the membership. There are currently over 200 names on the members list. For more information on becoming a pub member, please email

Thank you!

For and on behalf of the team at The White Lion Broadwindsor and Broadwindsor Community Pub Ltd.

#Broadwindsor #Blackdown #Burstock #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #Community #Village #Spring
#TheWhiteLion #Survey #PalmersBrewery #WestDorset #SupportLocalBusiness #CommunityPub #Enjoy #BeSafe #StaySafe

Clive’s Ribs On The Braai Are Back!

Starting this Friday, on alternate Friday evenings, Clive Dammert at The White Lion will be tending his Braai and serving up some delicious ribs!

  • 350g £12.50
  • Half rack (+-500g) £17.45
  • Full rack (+-1kg) £31.00

Booking is essential to avoid any disappointment – Fridays, 3rd, 17th and 31st May.

Telephone: 01308 867070 or email:


#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Dorset #WestDorset #AONB #Village #Community #TheWhiteLion #Braai #TrySomeRibs #Eat #Food #Share #Enjoy #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Pizzas At The White Lion

Our Community Pub, The White Lion now have PIZZAS available for dine in or collection to take away Wednesday through to Saturday.

Call 01308 867070 to order your takeaway or to book a table.

Pop in and enjoy a pint while they prepare your order 🙂

#Broadwindsor #Drimpton #Burstock #Blackdown #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough
#Village #Community #TheWhiteLion #WestDorset #Dorset #Pizza #TakeAway #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Book For Christmas At The White Lion

Kerry & Clive at The White Lion are delighted to offer their Christmas Fayre menu available From Thursday, 30th November, throughout the month of December, until Friday, 22nd December (not Tuesdays or Wednesdays).

In addition to this, for the first time in a long time, the pub will be offering a Christmas Day menu from 1.30-3.30pm 🙂

Both menus require advance bookings and pre-orders as well as 50% deposits.
Please call them on 01308 867070 or alternatively,
email to make a reservation or for more information. They are excited to celebrate the festive season and Christmas with you all!

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Two New Additions To Compost Corner

Two more long standing locals have been included in the White Lion’s Compost Corner gallery by local portrait artist Sasha Slater.

Mr. Hugo Burnham (left) & Mr. Robert Golding (right) appear in the photograph with Sasha in the middle 🙂

It was just before Christmas 2022 when the first three portraits were unveiled. Click below to read more about them & Sasha…

Compost Corner Memories At The White Lion

Fantastic work Sasha!


Steve Knightley – Friday, 29th September

In a brand new one man show, ‘Unlock Me & other Lockdown Laments‘, Steve Knightley will perform material that surfaced over two years of isolation and inactivity. Songs such as the Bristol Slaver and You’ll Get By were refreshed by headlines and current affairs whilst classic covers such as Forever Young and The Boys of Summer struck a chord with the thousands that tuned in to his hours of online content.

Insights, anecdotes and a bunch of new songs will attempt to chronicle and draw a line under an extra episode in all our lives. BBC Radio 2 commented Committed and distinctive songs of love, conscience and history” .

Steve will be performing at Broadwindsor’s Comrades Hall (High Street, Broadwindsor, DT8 3QP) on Friday, 29th September 🙂

Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

A bar will be available (cards accepted) and there will be an interval.

All tickets £20.00, no concessions – available from:

To purchase 1 ticket…

To purchase 2 Tickets…

  • Broadwindsor Community Stores (CASH ONLY!)
  • The White Lion (CASH ONLY!)
  • Directly from Wendy Shields
  • If you are unable to purchase your tickets locally from Broadwindsor Community Stores or The White Lion – then please transfer your required amount @ £20/ticket with your Name as reference and you can collect them at the door 🙂Paying by BACS – please use your Name as reference.
    Lloyds Account Name: Broadwindsor.Org
    Sort Code: 30-98-97
    Account Number: 34903363   Any queries – email:

The event is being brought to you by Broadwindsor.Org with 50% of any profit made by Broadwindsor.Org being donated to the Comrades Hall 🙂 The remaining 50% is being reserved to update equipment.

Here is Steve, recorded as part of the 2017 Southdowns Folk Festival on 21/9/17:

Enjoy the show!


Open More Hours At The White Lion

Broadwindsor’s Community Pub, The White Lion is extending the opening hours beginning this Thursday, 3rd August when they’ll be introducing Coffee & Cake all day, Thursday to Sunday.

  • Mon – closed
  • Tues – (run by volunteers) 6-9pm (until 10pm on monthly Folk Club nights).
    You are welcome to bring in your fish and chips from the van.
  • Weds – 5-11pm.
  • Thurs – 12 noon-11pm.
  • Fri – 12 noon-11pm.
  • Sat 11am-11pm.
  • Sun – 12 noon-11pm.

The kitchen will be open more too:

  • Thurs to Sun = 12-4pm
  • Weds to Sat – 5.30-8.30pm

Clive‘s marvellous cooking and Kerry‘s good use of social media are bringing in custom far and wide 🙂 Please view their menus below…

In order to accommodate more diners, the fortnightly Quiz has been changed from a Wednesday evening to a Sunday evening beginning on Sunday, 13th August.

With Friday nights being Clive’s Rib Night, cooked on his Braai –

Rick Dyke remains as Chairman following the Members Meeting.  The rest of the Management Committee are:

  • Charles Ouin – Legal & Membership Secretary
  • Sandra Burrows – Treasurer
  • Teri Small – Compliance
  • Fraser Hughes – Marketing
  • Sophie Sinton – Pub Maintenance, internal and external.
  • Andrew Hookings, Adam Slater, Paul Denham – to support other committee members, particularly with regards to finance, marketing and pub maintenance.

Keep Up The Great Work Everybody!
