Recycling Update: No Blister Packs Please

Further to previous advice, empty blister packs for medication CANNOT be included with the foil in the bins at Comrades Hall. I was advised by an employee at Bridport recycling centre that they could be, but, it has recently come to light that this is incorrect. Any branch of Superdrug will accept them so please recycle them there.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or thoughts on 07840 128763 or

Many thanks,

Sara Dyke

#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Drimpton #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Village #Community #WestDorset #Dorset #DAONB #Recycle #Volunteer #CanYouHelp #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Two New Additions To Compost Corner

Two more long standing locals have been included in the White Lion’s Compost Corner gallery by local portrait artist Sasha Slater.

Mr. Hugo Burnham (left) & Mr. Robert Golding (right) appear in the photograph with Sasha in the middle 🙂

It was just before Christmas 2022 when the first three portraits were unveiled. Click below to read more about them & Sasha…

Compost Corner Memories At The White Lion

Fantastic work Sasha!


For The Attention Of Members Of Broadwindsor Community Pub Ltd.

From Chairman, Rick Dyke –

In last month’s White Lion newsletter, we gave notice that the Annual Members Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 27th June at 7pm in Comrades Hall. We hope that as many members as possible will attend.

We also advised that the deadline for receipt of nominations to stand for election to the Management Committee is Saturday 20th May. The deadline is set due to the time that is needed to prepare and issue election papers in advance of the Members’ Meeting.

Any members wishing to stand for election should submit their nomination either by email to or in writing and handed in at the White Lion.

Thank you.


PCO Alex Bishop – Tuesday, 16th May

A week later than planned due to illness, Alex Bishop, from the Beaminster NPT (Neighbourhood Policing Team) will be at Broadwindsor Comrades Hall at 11am on Tuesday, 16th May while Post Office services are running, for his regular Police Drop-In/Meet the Team engagement.

This is your opportunity to raise any concerns, ask a question or get some crime prevention advice.  Refreshments will be available from the Post Office Users Group.

  • If you witness a crime in progress – dial 999.
  • For non-emergency calls – dial 101
  • Report it to Dorset Police online – Click HERE.
  • Report anonymously to Crimestoppers HERE
    or telephone: 0800 555 111

Alex Bishop is our Police Community Officer – he can be contacted by email:
or his mobile: 07912 898983.


Celebrate The White Lion’s First Birthday…

…as a Community Pub.

Already, a year has passed since The White Lion re-opened with much celebration…

This Saturday there will be no dinner service but, from 7pm, a finger buffet will be provided by Kerry & Clive who have been excelling all expectations since starting at Easter 🙂

A press release issued yesterday has Chairman Rick Dyke commenting “It’s certainly been an eventful twelve months.“. Thanking the Staff family and the many volunteers, Rick went on to say “We’re delighted that Kerry and Clive have joined us, and we’re excited about the next stage of the White Lion’s progress into a pub that is widely renowned for the quality of its food.”

Ending on a cautionary note, Rick continued “As with the hospitality trade generally, we have seen electricity costs skyrocket over the past year.  To make matters worse, the electricity companies view the trade as a bad risk with many reluctant to even quote, whereas those who do quote clearly see it as an opportunity to charge what they like.
Despite this, support from central government is negligible. Somehow, these spiralling costs need to be met and ultimately, this has to be by the paying customer.  This is where the warm welcome becomes even more vital because without it and the atmosphere it helps generate, what future does the British pub have?

On King Charles III Coronation weekend, please book now to avoid any disappointment…


Please continue to support our lovely pub:)


The White Lion’s Phuza Thursday

There’s already only a couple of spaces remaining to book your place at The White Lion Community pub for dinner tonight!

Alongside their main menu we have Clive‘s first offering of a traditional South African dish: Bunny Chow. See the poster for details.

To book: 01308 867070 or email

Please continue to support our lovely pub:)


A Great BIG Thank You

From last night’s party organisers, John & Lynne Staff:

Our Village Party at the hall on Saturday was a stunning success. Thanks to our local band McIntyre with Wendy Shields and Brian Wing guesting. It would have been almost impossible without the generous donation from the Broadwindsor Fun Group and the support of all those who helped on the day. A big thank you also goes to Kate, Chloe and Louise for preparing the food and all those who helped on the bar. A special thanks goes to Margaret and Jane from the Broadwindsor Community Shop for their advice and support. 

Not to forget the a huge thank you to all those who turned up!  

A great evening, lets hope we’ll be able to do it again soon. 

John & Lynne Staff


Village Dance & Party – Saturday, 25th March

Next Saturday, 25th March, village residents are invited to a FREE party at the Comrades Hall from 7.30pm.

Village resident John Staff had the idea for pre-Covid residents to meet with new village residents who have arrived either during or since the pandemic 🙂

Admission is free but a ticket is required for entry (to help with catering numbers).  Tickets can be obtained from Broadwindsor Community Stores or ask someone to pick one up for you! Inform or invite your new neighbours 🙂 Alternatively, telephone John Staff on 01308 868584.

Music will be provided by our village band, McIntyre led by Dave and Ann Shaw. Enjoy songs from as far back as the 1950’s through to the 1990’s that’ll get you on your feet dancing.

There will be a bar and light nibbles will be provided.

The event has been sponsored by Broadwindsor Fun Group whose Fun Day this year is on Sunday, 25th June.

Enjoy & Have Fun!


Clive & Kerry Dammert Excited To Keep The White Lion Roaring

Last week Chairman of our Community pub, Rick Dyke announced that  Clive and Kerry Dammert had accepted the offer to form the new Management team at The White Lion.

Most recently, Clive and Kerry have worked in Devon and Cornwall as a Management couple and have experience of both the pub and the hotel businesses. Both are at home either in the kitchen or as Front of House. Clive and Kerry have worked together as a team for over 10 years and are looking forward to bringing their experience to the White Lion.

Kerry commented “Clive and I are excited to be returning to village life and meeting you all. For the past few months we have been working in a hotel environment and realised that we missed the pub life and the connection to the community that comes with running a pub and we are very much looking forward to getting involved in the community.

Clive and Kerry previously owned and ran a successful business in South Africa.  Their plan is to offer good quality English pub food, using locally sourced ingredients where possible and then add some South African flair on the specials board, dishes like Bobotie, Bunny Chow (no rabbits involved!) and Vetkoek as well as a traditional South African Braai (BBQ) in the Summer. So much to look forward to – we very much look forward to welcoming Clive and Kerry into our community – Where Community Matters 🙂

Big thanks to the many volunteers who have worked front of house and in the kitchen.
They will continue to front The White Lion over the coming weeks until the transition over to Clive and Kerry at the end of this month.
Your efforts are appreciated!

David Leader, who’s untimely death on 13th March last year shocked the whole community, led the ‘Save The White Lion‘ campaign.  His widow Elaine commented: “Everyone who knew David will remember his passion for community, teamwork and pitching in. He would be so proud of the way this village has responded to the challenge to run the pub as a Community Pub in the true sense!”
‘I know he would be saying a massive thank you to all the volunteers who are giving up so much of their time, day after day, working for free, cleaning toilets, working in the kitchen, cooking meals, waiting on tables. Also all the huge amount of relentless work by the management committee and the planning and organising of all the events. He would also be thanking the bar staff for going out of their comfort zones and serving customers, giving up their afternoons and evenings.
‘And to the community in Broadwindsor and surrounding area for supporting the pub and making virtually every event a sell-out. It’s an amazing effort and it shows what an incredible community this is.
‘It would have made David so happy to see everyone pitching in and working together to keep our wonderful pub thriving.’
We couldn’t agree with you more Elaine and thank you too.

Please continue to support our lovely pub:)


Meet Ashleigh Smith Of Revilo Construction Dorset

This is Ashleigh Smith and he is the owner of Revilo Construction.

Ashleigh began his apprenticeship in 1998 for a small building company in Broadwindsor called ‘Broad Build‘.  He attended Weymouth College, completing his NVQ levels 1, 2 and with advanced craft in brickwork trowel occupations.

After 10 years perfecting his trade skills, Ashleigh returned to Weymouth College as a lecturer in brickwork.  When Ashleigh left the college, he relocated to Spain, working for a British company for two years and it was then he decided to branch out, work for himself and so Revilo Construction was born.

After 13 years of living in Spain, Ashleigh and his family made the big move to relocate back to Dorset so they may bring their children up in an English culture.

Consequently, Revilo Construction has also relocated to Dorset.  Already at work on some great projects, Ashleigh has a reliable, hard working team contributing to his work with exceptional craftsmanship.

Contact: 07821 240754 or visit the website HERE.

We welcome Ashleigh and his family back to Broadwindsor and wish them all the best for their future 🙂
