Over £700 Raised For Ukraine Appeal

Village resident Sally Sarling reports on Saturday’s sale for the Ukraine…

‘Well, we did it again!  Thank you all so very much for making our Coffee Morning on Saturday in Comrades Hall such a great success.  We made an amazing £720.00  to date and it is possible that we might have a little more to add but I wanted to say to you all from Philip, Diana & myself a big thank you for your invaluable help and support on Saturday in making this amazing sum.

This amount is made up as follows:-
Donations       =   £180. 80
Cakes              =     122.  50
Pictures          =       30.  00
Plants              =      159.  80
Raffle              =      171.  00
Bric-à-brac    =       55.  90

Fantastic, thank you.

With best wishes and kind regards,’  – Sally Sarling
