Over £700 Raised For Ukraine Appeal

Village resident Sally Sarling reports on Saturday’s sale for the Ukraine…

‘Well, we did it again!  Thank you all so very much for making our Coffee Morning on Saturday in Comrades Hall such a great success.  We made an amazing £720.00  to date and it is possible that we might have a little more to add but I wanted to say to you all from Philip, Diana & myself a big thank you for your invaluable help and support on Saturday in making this amazing sum.

This amount is made up as follows:-
Donations       =   £180. 80
Cakes              =     122.  50
Pictures          =       30.  00
Plants              =      159.  80
Raffle              =      171.  00
Bric-à-brac    =       55.  90

Fantastic, thank you.

With best wishes and kind regards,’  – Sally Sarling


Ukraine Fundraiser – Saturday, 1st July

Sally Sarling raised almost £600 from her last Ukraine fundraiser in October ’22 and has now has arranged another for the people of the Ukraine this Saturday morning at The Comrades Hall, Broadwindsor.

There will be refreshments with biscuits, a raffle and stalls selling plants, bric-a-brac and of course, delicious home made cakes.

Sally and her volunteers would be very grateful for any donations that you have, they will be at the Hall from 9am on Saturday setting up or if you wish you can deliver them to Sally directly at Greystones in West Street, Broadwindsor. The front porch will be open each morning from 8am or if you let her know by calling either 01308 867672  or 07731  630546 , Sally will come and collect anything from you. 🙂


Thank You From UNICEF

Further to the profit made at the coffee morning a month ago, organiser  Sally Sarling received the lovely letter shown from UNICEF thanking her for the donation made.

Thank you to everyone who supported the event.


Ukraine Sale Raises £585

The Coffee morning held on Saturday 8th in aid of the Ukraine raised £585.00 🙂

Sally Sarling reported the breakdown as follows:

  • Donations, including £25 from the Over 60’s Club: £274.00
  • Plants: £33.50 + ?*
  • Cakes: £75.50
  • Books & Puzzles: £31.00
  • Raffle: £171.00

Sally added “I just wanted to let you know how much money we made…. Not quite as good as the previous one last May but, knowing now we must be a little more careful with our cash, I am not surprised that we made £575. *However, it is possible that a little more might come our way from Val & Colin Lawrence who kindly put a table with plants for sale outside their cottage in Burstock.
I wanted to say a big thank you from Philip, Diana and myself for your support and invaluable help in making the event a success.
Thank you very much.
With best wishes and kind regards,
Sally Sarling.


Ukraine Fundraiser – Saturday, 8th October

Following the successful coffee morning in May, donations are asked for your tea/coffee with biscuits at the Comrades Hall on Saturday, 8th October, from 10am to 12 noon 🙂 Here is more from Sally Sarling:

In addition to the coffee and biscuits (no admission price just a donation) we will have a raffle, cake stall, plant stall and asking anyone who would like to join us and have a stall to set out their crafts, cards or similar for sale.  We will be asking for a monetary donation, of your choice for this very good cause.
If you would like to join us or know of anyone who would please let me know what you will be selling and what size table/stall you require.
My email address is  :   thesarlings@btinternet.com
Telephone   :   01308 867672
Mobile   :   07731 630546
I do hope you can join us and help this very worthwhile cause.
Many thanks & kind regards,



Successful Sale For Ukraine

Village resident Sally Sarling reports on last Saturday’s sale for the Ukraine…

“Just wanted to give everyone the fantastic news that last Saturday’s Coffee Morning at Comrades Hall made an amazing  £1334. 85p to date.  It is possible that we may have a little more to add to that fantastic amount but I wanted to say to you from Philip, Diana & myself a big thank you for your invaluable help and support on Saturday in making this amazing sum.

This amount is made up as follows:

  • £405.00 – Donations including £150 from Broadwindsor stitchers
  • £356.45 – Plants (but hopefully a little more to come – thanks Val)
  • £251.00 – Raffle
  • £116.50 – Bric-a-brac  (hopefully a little more to come)
  • £116.40 – Nearly New clothes
  • £ 89.50 – Cakes

Thank you!”


‘Nearly New’ Raising Funds For The Ukraine – Saturday, 7th May

There will be NO Charge for admission or your tea/coffee with biscuits at the Comrades Hall on Saturday, 7th May, from 10am to 12 noon.

There will be a large container/box for your voluntary money contributions.

There will also be:

  • A raffle
  • Cake stall
  • Plant stall and …
  • A “nearly new” clothes stall (They do mean nearly new – they’re are not doing a jumble sale).
    If anyone would like to give any contributions they can be delivered and left in the front porch at the address below
    This will be open every morning (only) from Monday next 25th April, until Friday 6th May.

Villager Sally Sarling said “Many local people feel so very strongly about what’s going on in Europe at the moment. I do hope we can help in our very small way.”  Sally and her friend, Diana Coltart are raising funds for the Ukranian Appeal.

Sally’s address is : Greystones, West Street, Broadwindsor.

If anyone wants anything collected could they please call Sally:
01308 867 672 or
07731 630 546  and she will organise.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Ukrainian Flag by Setsiri Silapasuwanchai.


Expect Those Country Smells By Fullers & Trusthams

We live in the countryside, we are used to farm vehicles on our roads and we adapt to those ‘country smells’ that visitors gag at… Here is a polite message from local farmers, Andrew & Tim Frampton:

The war in Ukraine has meant that artificial fertiliser prices namely ammonium nitrate has increased four fold in price and is now very difficult to get hold of as well .We have just signed a contact to rent the fields behind Fullers and Trusthams for another year and the ground is in desperate need of fertiliser .We usually use artificial fertiliser but this year are forced to use 🐄 🚽 so it may smell for a couple days before being absorbed and we just wanted to warn residents and apologise for any smell but it will only linger for a couple days. We hope residents will understand. Thank you.

Photos: Andrew Frampton.


Rescheduled: Broadwindsor Group Parish Council Meeting – Monday, 21st March 2022

Unfortunately due to COVID-19, next week’s Parish Council meeting has had to be rescheduled to Monday 21 March at Blackdown Village Hall. Sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused. Do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns about this change.

Broadwindsor Group Parish Council are holding a face to face meeting in Blackdown Hall at 7.30pm on Monday, 14th March 2022All are welcome to attend. Only in person as there is no live streaming of this meeting at the time of publishing.

The full agenda is available to download & view HERE. The Draft Minutes of last month’s meeting and Minutes of previous Group Parish Council meetings can be found online HERE

Item 4.  Matters Arising:  This is currently blank on the agenda but one would expect some comment/discussion re: the war conflict happening presently in the Ukraine.

Item 8.  Annual Parish Meeting: The Date, Venue and Content will be agreed.

Item 10. Planning Applications:
a. Applications Received and Circulated for Consultation:
P/HOU/2022/01177, Ashleigh, Chard Road, Drimpton, DT8 3RF
P/VOC/2022/01368, Hillside, Stony Knaps, Winsham, TA20 4NY

c. Results:
P/NMA/2022/01035, Hillside, Stony Knaps, Winsham, TA20 4N (Amendment to planning permission WD/D/18/000053): Refused
P/TRT/2022/00039, Chestnut Cottage, Chard Road, Drimpton, DT8 3RF: Consent (Tree Works)
P/LBC/2021/04144, Rose Cottage, B3165 School Lane, Blackdown, DT8 3LE: Granted
P/HOU/2021/01463, Wood Farm, Wood Lane, Kittwhistle, DT8 3LG: Granted
WD/D/20/001756, Broadwindsor Craft and Design Centre, Redlands Lane, Broadwindsor, DT8 3PX: Refused

Item 11. Broadwindsor Community Pub Update.
(Latest update on Broadwindsor.org is HERE.)

Item 12. Lewesdon Hill Project Update: from Cllr. Andrew Frampton.
(More HERE.)

Item 13. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations Update: from BFG Chairman, Adrian Gray.
a. Broadwindsor Fun Group, Request to Plant Tree.
(Latest BFG news HERE.)

Item 15. Allotments: Renewals due.

Updates from other groups lead to –

Item 20. Matters of Interest and Information:
a. Items for next Agenda from Members of the Council
b. Items for next Agenda from Members of the Public

Item 21. Public Participation:
Residents are invited to give their views and ask questions of the Parish Council on any outstanding issues on this Agenda or raise issues for future consideration.

Item 22. The date of the next meeting will be agreed then the meeting will then close.

The press and public are invited to attend.  Under the Openess of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, members of the public may now film, photograph and make audio recordings of the proceedings of the formal Council meeting, though not, under current legislation, of the Public Participation session, as this is not part of the formal agenda of the meeting. Recording activity should be respectful to the conduct of the meeting and behavious that disrupts the meeting (such as oral commentary) will not be permitted.  Any member of the public shall not speak for more than five minutes.  A question asked by a member of the public during Public Participation shall not require a response or debate during the meeting though the Chairman may direct that a written response will be provided subsequent to the meeting.

There are 14 Elected Councillors (Blackdown Vacancy) – Click HERE to identify them.
Your District Councillor is Simon Christopher (Read his February Report HERE.)
Your representative in the House of Commons is: Christopher Loder, MP.

To contact the Editor, please email info@broadwindsor.org.


Comrades Arms To Donate Profits To Ukranian Appeal This Weekend

The pop-up bar, affectionately known as The Comrades Arms will be donating all profits from their sales on Friday 11th, Saturday 12th and Tuesday, 15th March to The Disasters Emergency Committee’s Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.

The bar will be run on these nights by all members of the White Lion Management Committee.

Remember, you can take your items to donate to the Comrades Hall on Friday morning 10am – 12 noon.
Donations can also be taken to Fullers Community Hall, Thursday, 10am to 12noon and also Friday 10am to 12noon.

