#BWFunDay – Share Your Jubilee Photographs On Instagram

Broadwindsor Fun Group are asking you to tag your photographs of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations with #BWFunDay to share on Broadwindsor’s Instagram site – HERE 🙂

Village resident Annie Collins takes spectacular photographs of almost anything that moves and that includes you! Annie will be Broadwindsor Fun Group‘s official photographer over the full Jubilee event so do not be surprised if you see her all over the place including up the church!

Particularly on Saturday, 4th when many families & people will be celebrating, please let Annie know if you do not wish you or your child to be included and this will be accommodated to the best of her ability.

Some of Annie’s work will be on display inside the Comrades Hall and Annie’s photographs will available to purchase:

  • £5 each
  • £12.50 for a set of 3
  • £15.00 for a set of 5.

Please address all enquiries re: photograph orders or queries directly to Annie at: annie221159@hotmail.com.
If you have any other queries re: the Jubilee celebrations, please email: bwfunday20@gmail.com.


The Bunting Is Up!

Our village is preparing for next weekend’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations and began today by putting up the bunting around Bernards’ Place, inside and outside of the Comrades Hall, up the High Street, on the railings at Trusthams and down Back Lane as well as around the Square into West Street. Almost 2,000 triangles… 950 metres of it….

  • The White Lion Community Pub
  • Front of Bernards' Place
  • The Square
  • The Square leading to West Street
  • Back Lane
  • Bernards' Place
  • Bernards' Place
  • Maurice at the White Lion
  • Comrades Hall
  • The Old School House
  • Rose Cottage, High Street
  • Trusthams leading to Back Lane
  • The High Street
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
Chairman of Broadwindsor Fun Group, Adrian Gray said “Our thanks to all those that turned out to put nearly a km of bunting up. It took nearly four hours but has made the village look great.

Not one bit of plastic in sight – all the bunting has been made using recycled bed sheets, duvet covers, curtains and pillowcases. Stitched together by helpers ranging from an 80 year old tailor to Broadwindsor’s 1st Rainbows 🙂

A huge thank you to everyone who was involved – be proud of this accomplished monumental and sustainable task!

After the Jubilee celebrations, the bunting will be available to other village groups wishing to use it for their celebrations in the future.



Leave No One At Home For Jubilee Picnic – Sunday, 5th June

As part of Broadwindsor Fun Group’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, they have launched a campaign ‘Leave No One At Home’ for their Great Jubilee Picnic on Sunday, 5th June, starting at 1pm.

Weather permitting and inside the Comrades Hall if wet, there will be tables and chairs outside and live entertainment will be provided by The Silver Lining band, playing your favourites from the 1950s and 60s. 

Prizes for the Best Scarecrows and best in the Children’s Royal parade will be awarded.

You are invited to take your own food along or take advantage of the Stableyard’s Jubilee picnic boxes which contain enough to share and can be pre-ordered now.

More importantly, Broadwindsor Fun Group are about inclusion and are asking you to consider your neighbour or someone you know who may be unable to get to Bernards’ Place or who may not be able to prepare a picnic for themselves –

  • Would you be able to help them get there?
  • Do you have enough food to share to prepare a picnic for them or share a picnic box with?
  • Could they join your table for conversation and company?

If there is anyone who needs assistance in attending or would require an easily accessible table for the afternoon – please contact BFG’s Chairman, Adrian Gray on 07917 660650.


Pre-Order Your Jubilee Picnic Boxes From The Stableyard Restaurant

The Broadwindsor Fun Group are hosting the Great Jubilee Picnic from 1pm on Sunday, 5th June in Bernards’ Place as part of Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

The event invites you to bring your own food and to leave no-one at home!  If you are unable to prepare or just fancy the treat… Linda Paget from the Stableyard Restaurant at Redlands Yard is providing Great Jubilee Picnic boxes for you to enjoy/share at a cost of £12 per box Pre-ordering before 31st May will cost you only £10, saving you £2 🙂

In your Jubilee Picnic box, you will find the freshest of ingredients used to provide:


Pre-order NOW! – 01308 868362

