** Update **
The tape is only round the swings now, the other equipment is good to go!
The Comrades Hall Management Committee have issued the following request:
Due to the recent wet weather, the ground that has been disturbed during the new installation has become very muddy, and new grass seed has been planted to grow through the safety rubber matting. This is why the whole area has been taped off – it is important that the ground around the apparatus is allowed to settle. We request that children of all ages (including the more adult!) please respect the restriction on use until the official opening on 12th November.
This follows their announcement yesterday on achieving their £20,000 target:
With thanks to our Crowd, extra funding from Sport England and the balance topped up through a generous grant from Dorset Council, we’ve managed to pull it off.
Any money we get over and above our original target will go towards our £25,000 stretch target to help pay for outdoor gym equipment. Some of it can be also put towards new curtains at Comrades Hall to retain the heat generated by the new solar panels and air source heat pumps and therefore doing our bit for the environment.
The new-look Broadwindsor Village Green at Bernards’ Place will be officially opened on Saturday 12th November at 11am, followed by refreshments in The White Lion. We’d love it if you – our Crowd – could come along and join us.
Well done all involved!