Photo Credit: Irish Macc
Duncan Harris, a volunteer at Beaminster Museum is appealing to the older members of the parish… Do you remember?
“We have quite a lot of information about the 5 mills or works in Broadwindsor parish. In addition we have some information on agriculture in the past and in particular the four water meadows that were in the parish.
At present we are investigating the allotments in each parish. It would appear from a document that in 1825 Savidges Plot was purchased for £100 or £200, if my memory serves me correctly by the Parish Council for allotments. Unfortunately Savidges Plot does not appear on the 1841 tithe map, nor do the Parish Council as owners or occupiers of any land. It is thought that Savidges Plot may have belonged to the George Inn, but there is no documentary confirmation. I wonder whether any of the older residents recollect allotments in Broadwindsor, or even whether some still exist today?”
– Duncan Harris
Duncan has been advised that the allotments do indeed exist – prizewinning in fact – and to contact the Parish Clerk but he would very much welcome any information parishoners may have to assist their research.
Please contact him by email:
Thank you 