Singers & Instrumentalists Wanted For ‘Gallery Quire’

The newly formed Broadwindsor Gallery Quire meets every other Tuesday in Comrades Hall at 7.30pm.

They are singing West Gallery music from the Thomas Hardy era . The tunes are catchy and easy to pick up and they would love to welcome new members from the village and surrounding areas 🙂

Not sure what West Gallery Music is? Check out for some general information about this style of music and song. The West Gallery Music Association is a charity. Established in 1990 as an association of singers, instrumentalists and scholars, it became a charity in 2017.

There are spaces for both for singers and instrumentalists, a range of voices, high and low and instruments to accompany the singing.
If you would like a taster session to see what goes on please do go along (next Tuesday, 25th) or contact Clare on 07816 490021 for more details.

They are a friendly bunch and look forward to meeting you soon.

Next meeting – Tuesday June 25th: Gallery Quire 7.15pm.
and then on July 9th & 23rd.


#Broadwindsor #Burstock #Blackdown #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough #Drimpton #Dorset #Village #WestDorset #Community #Sing #Wellbeing #Play #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Hatha Yoga With Leon Lord

Ha means sun and tha moon, stick them together and they imply that we are trying to balance the two energies with in us.

On Tuesdays, 10.45am to 12pm Leon Lord is holding Hatha Yoga classes at The Comrades Hall for only £8.50/session 🙂

My sessions start with 10 min Pranayama – breath work, where we focus on Yogic breathing practices to help cleanse and balance ourselves.
Then it is around 50 min of Asana – postures, stretching and strengthening the body to release toxins and emotions.
Last of all comes 15 min of Yoga Nidra – Yoga of sleep, we lie on the mat and focus internally using our breath and visualisations to bring peace and deep relaxation.

Book your place HERE.

Leon also teaches:


#Broadwindsor #Drimpton #Burstock #Blackdown #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough
#Village #Community #WestDorset #Dorset #Pilates #TaoistYoga #YinYoga #Wellbeing #FitnessAndWellbeingWithLeon #BookNow #Health #StayWarm #BeFit #BeCalm #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

New HIIT Classes Start 17th June

Leon Lord, who already runs successful Pilates and Yoga classes at the Comrades Hall is now launching a 2nd HIIT class on Saturday mornings at 8.15am.

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. As the name suggests, it is intense and the class is for 20 minutes only.  There is no jumping, running or stamping and is suitable for everyone. At £5, an excellent start to prepare for the day ahead!

To view his timetable or attend a class, you can book your place HERE. If you’re on a mobile device it will open the App Store for your to download the booking app Gymcatch. If you’re on a computer it will open the web page.. Either way register and search for Fitness and wellbeing with Leon, then you will have access to his timetable.

Any queries or questions:

To learn more, please visit his website –


New Tuesday Morning Classes With Leon Lord

Village resident Leon Lord is known to the many men and women who attend his classes – all will have noticed the increase in popularity, so much so Leon is introducing 3 new classes – all taking place on a Tuesday morning in the Lewesdon room, upstairs at the Comrades Hall.

  • Promptly at 9am: Low Impact Hiit –
    20 minutes
    of high intensity interval training. No jumping, running or stamping. Suitable for all. ÂŁ4/session

  • 9.30am – 10.30am: Pilates –
    1 hour of mat work to improve your back mobility, body & core strength. ÂŁ8.50/session

  • 10.45am – 12noon: Hatha Yoga –
    75 minutes of Yoga involving Pranayame – Breathwork. Asana – Postures to stretch & strengthen and Yoga Nidra – Meditation & Relaxation. ÂŁ8.50/session

To book, make further enquiries or contact Leon:

For many years, Leon has instructed Pilates, Qigong, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Personal Fitness, Women’s Self Defence & Yin Yoga classes in the village and surrounding areas. To learn more, please visit his website –


Take Time For Your Body & Wellbeing This Year

Make your Self the priority and take time for you this year!

Pilates: A series of exercises designed to strengthen, condition and mobilize (increase flexibility) the whole body, with emphasis given to the core and back muscles. Pilates has been proven to have a positive effect on specific back ailments.

Yin Yoga: Using active stretching to lengthen and improve muscular elasticity, Yin Yoga consists of a series of passive floor postures that you will hold for up to 5 minutes and sometimes longer with the use of breath and mindful connection.

All classes take place in the Lewesdon room, upstairs in the Comrades Hall.


  • Wednesdays at 6pm
  • Saturdays at 9am

Yin Yoga:

  • Saturdays at 10.30am

Although you can just turn up for any session, instructor & village resident Leon Lord does prefer it if everyone books using his booking system which can be found HERE.

For many years, Leon has instructed Pilates, Qigong, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Personal Fitness & Women’s Self Defence classes in the village and surrounding areas. To learn more, please visit his website –

To make further enquiries or contact Leon:


Where Did The Tin Hut Go?

This was the question and discussion at this morning’s Post Office Coffee Group from the village’s older residents.

The blue Tin Hut which was situated outside at Wall Farm on the B3164 towards Marshwood has gone. Some were shocked. Many were surprised.

So many wistful, memories were voiced:

  • “It was an icon.”
  • “It has been there since time immemorial.”
  • ”I remember the beautiful lilac that used to grow around it”

All understand that it may have been removed and the gate put in place to allow the farmer to move his cattle across the main road safer as it is a blind corner.

Image taken from Google Maps.

Nonetheless, another piece of local history lost….

#Broadwindsor,#Burstock,#Blackdown,#Drimpton,#Hursey,#Kittwhistle,#Seaborough,#Dorset,#WestDorset,#Village,#Community,#Memories,#History,#Research,#Wellbeing,#B3164, #TheTinHut,#BeKind,#BeSafe,#StaySafe

Taoist Yoga/Yin Yoga,  Saturday, 5th March

Taoist Yoga/Yin Yoga classes begin at the Comrades Hall on Saturday, 5th March from 10.30am -11.45am

Village resident, Leon Lord already successfully runs Pilates, Qigong, Wing Chun Kung Fu and Personal Fitness classes in the village and surrounding areas. He now offers Taoist/Yin Yoga classes.

What is Yin yoga?

Yin yoga uses passive, longer-held poses to work deeply into the body. Targeting the deep tissue of the body, our connective tissues – ligaments, joints, tendons and the deep fascia networks of the body.
The reason it is called Taoist or Yin Yoga is because the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine is applied to it. That’s the same theory behind Acupuncture, Qigong, Tai Chi and more.
Yin yoga improves the energy flow within the body, enhancing the flow of Chi in the organs. This encourages us to have healthy, balanced organs as well as healthy muscles. There are also emotional and mental health benefits.

What Can You Expect?

Leon’s Yin yoga class will consist of a series of passive floor postures that you will hold for up to 5 minutes and sometimes longer with the use of breath and mindful connection.
Blocks and bolsters are used regularly to help relax in to the stretches, he will provide these in class.
At the end of the sessions there will be around 10mins of mindful meditation.

Spaces are limited! To book – Click HERE.

To make further enquiries or book – please contact Leon:



Broadwindsor Allotments – History Information Sought

Photo Credit: Irish Macc

Duncan Harris, a volunteer at Beaminster Museum is appealing to the older members of the parish… Do you remember?

“We have quite a lot of information about the 5 mills or works in Broadwindsor parish.  In addition we have some information on agriculture in the past and in particular the four water meadows that were in the parish.

At present we are investigating the allotments in each parish.  It would appear from a document that in 1825 Savidges Plot was purchased for ÂŁ100 or ÂŁ200, if my memory serves me correctly by the Parish Council for allotments.  Unfortunately Savidges Plot does not appear on the 1841 tithe map, nor do the Parish Council as owners or occupiers of any land.  It is thought that Savidges Plot may have belonged to the George Inn, but there is no documentary confirmation.  I wonder whether any of the older residents recollect allotments in Broadwindsor, or even whether some still exist today?”

– Duncan Harris

Duncan has been advised that the allotments do indeed exist – prizewinning in fact – and to contact the Parish Clerk but he would very much welcome any information parishoners may have to assist their research.

Please contact him by email:

Thank you 🙂#Broadwindsor,#Burstock,#Blackdown,#Drimpton,#Hursey,#Kittwhistle,#Seaborough,#Dorset,#WestDorset,#Village,#Allotments,#FoodForHealth,#History,#Research,#Wellbeing,#GrowYourOwn,#BeSafe,#StaySafe

Sophia’s Choice are Retail Winners

Sophia’s Choice in Redlands Yard have won  ‘Best Independent Natural Health & Beauty Retailer 2020in the Southern Enterprise Awards.
 SME is a Small or Medium-sized Enterprise. Typically, they are defined as having fewer than 250 employees.
SME News was first launched in 2017 making it one of AI Global Media’s newer publications.  SME News is a quarterly magazine circulated to just over 100,000 recipients. The publication seeks to inform, entertain, influence and endorse the start-up and SME business culture in the UK.  Their flagship awards programme UK Enterprise Awards launched in 2017 and has rapidly become a programme that SMEs across the UK are keen to be a part of.
Charlie at Sophia’s Choice commented: “After a rather mixed year with a lot of upheaval, it is wonderful to have been recognised in this way.  For many awards you tend to pay to enter, however this one you don’t. It’s done on merit and anyone can nominate you. The shortlist is then sent to an independent judging panel who make their decision.
As a small retailer I don’t always fit into other award categories as I don’t make the products I sell and many awards focus on this. So, to have been nominated and selected for an award based on merit makes this one even more special.
It’s a great way to end 2020. Thank you SME News!

Congratulations to Charlie & her team!

For the full list of this year’s winners, please Click HERE.


The Festival Of The Future 13th – 15th October 2020

Dorset Council’s Festival of the Future is mostly aimed at people who live and work in Dorset. It will run over 3 days in October and each day will have a theme:

  • Day 1, Tuesday 13 October 2020: an opportunity to share learning
  • Day2, Wednesday 14 October 2020: showcase current work and projects
  • Day 3, Thursday 15 October 2020: think about future opportunities and technology

Each Festival of the Future session will last around 45 minutes and most sessions will be hosted through MS Teams. (You can up for Microsoft Teams HERE.  It’s free.)

There will be the following virtual environments:

  • Digital Learning Zone
  • Innovation Tent
  • Main Stage
  • Wellbeing & Creativity Tent
  • Tech Tent
  • Campfire Stories

You are invited to think Bestival or Glastonbury, but with more tea, future-gazing and LinkedIn profiles. Singing on stage is optional. Enjoy!
