Hatha Yoga With Leon Lord

Ha means sun and tha moon, stick them together and they imply that we are trying to balance the two energies with in us.

On Tuesdays, 10.45am to 12pm Leon Lord is holding Hatha Yoga classes at The Comrades Hall for only £8.50/session 🙂

My sessions start with 10 min Pranayama – breath work, where we focus on Yogic breathing practices to help cleanse and balance ourselves.
Then it is around 50 min of Asana – postures, stretching and strengthening the body to release toxins and emotions.
Last of all comes 15 min of Yoga Nidra – Yoga of sleep, we lie on the mat and focus internally using our breath and visualisations to bring peace and deep relaxation.

Book your place HERE.

Leon also teaches:


#Broadwindsor #Drimpton #Burstock #Blackdown #Hursey #Kittwhistle #Seaborough
#Village #Community #WestDorset #Dorset #Pilates #TaoistYoga #YinYoga #Wellbeing #FitnessAndWellbeingWithLeon #BookNow #Health #StayWarm #BeFit #BeCalm #BeKind #BeSafe #StaySafe

Souper Friday At The Comrades Hall, 12 Noon

From 12 noon… today’s soup choice includes a delicious carrot & coriander made and donated by a village resident:)

Provided by Broadwindsor Fun Group and free of any charge, anyone and everyone is welcome to come in and receive a bowl of hot soup with bread and/or a tea or coffee with biscuits.

Take time out for yourself or simply enjoy a much needed warm bowl of soup with some company.

Please share this information! Not everyone accesses the internet or social media…. Tell other villagers who may be elderly or alone. Tell the young Mums who repeatedly skip their meals. Tell the person you see wander around the village with their dog every day. Everyone is welcome 🙂

Stay Warm! Thank You!


Local Reared Pork For Sale

Matt has fresh locally reared pork ready later this week. Please let him know ASAP if you would like some.
He can do a mixture if you like. First come first served.
If you could collect, that would be great or he can deliver locally 🙂

Contact Matt: 07731 434654.



Free Film Series: ‘The Chosen’ Starts 2pm Sunday, 5th February

The first-ever multi-season series about the life of Christ and the highest crowd-funded media project of all time, this first series of 4 episodes will run through on the following Sunday afternoons at The Comrades Hall:
Feb 5th 2023 – Feb 12th 2023 – Feb 19th 2023 – Feb 26th 2023.

*Entry is FREE*

All are welcome. Please note it does contain some violence.
Suitable for age 8/9+
Starting at 2pm
, tea, coffee and cakes will be available.
Come and see what they saw…
A charismatic fisherman struggling with debt. A troubled woman wrestling with demons. A gifted accountant ostracized from his family and people.
In this ground-breaking first season of The Chosen see how Jesus reaches each of these and more as He works His first miracles and embarks on His ministry to change the world. See Him through the eyes of those who knew Him
IMDb RATING 9.3/10

Rotten Tomatoes Review: “The Chosen is by far the best drama that is on right now. Season 1 and 2 are so heartwarming and touching. It is funny and poignant”.

For more information about this FREE film series please contact:
  • Camille Newall on 01308 867759 or
  • Stella Waterhouse on 01308 868802

Note: Parking available at the Comrades Hall or near the school.


Broadwindsor Fun Day To Be Held In June

Questionnaire update from Chairman of Broadwindsor Fun Group, Adrian Gray:

Earlier this month. the Fun Group hand delivered questionnaires to every house in Broadwindsor and Hursey plus a few to the wider community.

The purpose being to assess the community’s thoughts on holding events this year and to seek support in the administration of these. Indeed the group has had a great deal of success over the last few years bringing together various individuals and village groups to ensure that things are inclusive and community based.

I have now personally read every reply and would like to express my and the Fun Group’s gratitude to those who have taken the time to complete and return the forms. If anyone has not returned their form, you can drop it off at the shop so that their thoughts can be added to the mix. Whilst those received already are now undergoing further assessment, it is noted that several people have made great suggestions and a few offered to help at any event held. Indeed the positive nature of the replies is very appreciated. One person felt it appropriate use this platform to make a personal attack on me and the Fun Group. This individual also failed to make any constructive suggestions and lacked any moral courage by choosing to not say who they were.  I would appeal  to this person to make contact with me so that their grievances can be identified, discussed and hopefully a positive way forward be formulated. Their comments are at odds with other returns but should still be valued and considered.

We are still looking for more people to work with and possibly on, the planning team for events.  The current four people simply cannot bear the load alone.

Finally the headline finding is that people do not support an event in the village to celebrate the Coronation and favour an event in June. This is not to say that the Parish Council or another group may well run an event. We also need to consider some of the new suggestions made by some but again we need people to join the planning team.

Given the positive nature of the questionnaire returns, together with the lovely comments made personally to me and others I would suggest that the village is far from fractured as some may suggest. I optimistically look forward to more people coming on board.

Adrian Gray
Chair BFG


Over 60’s Meeting – Thursday, 26th January At 2.15pm

Tomorrow, Thursday 26th the Over 60’s Group are having their first meeting of the year at 2.15pm in The Comrades Hall.

Always with a tea or coffee, the group frequently invite a speaker of interest and in the summer, enjoy coach trips out.

Chair, Annette Nunn commented “Look forward to seeing you all. New members are always welcome.“.

It’s not about age, it’s about attitude” – Twiggy


Take Time For Your Body & Wellbeing This Year

Make your Self the priority and take time for you this year!

Pilates: A series of exercises designed to strengthen, condition and mobilize (increase flexibility) the whole body, with emphasis given to the core and back muscles. Pilates has been proven to have a positive effect on specific back ailments.

Yin Yoga: Using active stretching to lengthen and improve muscular elasticity, Yin Yoga consists of a series of passive floor postures that you will hold for up to 5 minutes and sometimes longer with the use of breath and mindful connection.

All classes take place in the Lewesdon room, upstairs in the Comrades Hall.


  • Wednesdays at 6pm
  • Saturdays at 9am

Yin Yoga:

  • Saturdays at 10.30am

Although you can just turn up for any session, instructor & village resident Leon Lord does prefer it if everyone books using his booking system which can be found HERE.

For many years, Leon has instructed Pilates, Qigong, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Personal Fitness & Women’s Self Defence classes in the village and surrounding areas. To learn more, please visit his website – https://westdorsetfitnessandwellbeing.com.

To make further enquiries or contact Leon:


Souper Friday Warm Space Continues Into February

Broadwindsor Fun Group have been operating a Warm Space offering free homemade soup, teas and coffees at the Comrades Hall on Friday afternoons from midday throughout January.  This has been so appreciated by those who have come along, the Fun Group have decided to extend their commitment and continue into February 🙂

  • Souper Friday Warm Space will continue this Friday and on Friday, 3rd, 10th & 17th February.
  • Thursday Lent Lunches begin at the Comrades Hall on 23rd February.

Broadwindsor Fun Group
cover the cost of the hire of the hall & 4 members voluntarily commit their time.  All bread, soup,  jam and butter is donated by lovely village residents & local businesses.
Any donations made go directly to the Post Office Users Group.

Meet people, have a chat, get some delicious warm soup in your belly this Friday, 27th at midday when one of our village residents is celebrating his 91st birthday!  🙂


Local Reared Pork For Sale

Local farmer, Matt Curtis has 🐷 PORK FOR SALE 🐷

“I have fresh locally reared pork ready Thursday/ Friday this week and more again in two weeks time. Prices as above.

Please let me know asap if you would like some. (Please note that Gammon and bacon will take 3/4 weeks to cure.)

If you could collect, that would be great or we can deliver locally.”

Contact Matt: 07731 434654.



Souper Friday Warm Space Closed This Friday, 6th

Broadwindsor Fun Group’s Souper Friday Warm Space will be closed this week due to the funeral of W.I. President, Julie Steele.

It will continue on Friday, 13th from 12 noon until the earlier closing time of 2pm.  The soups are delicious and enjoy some company for a couple of hours.  If you live in the village and require transport, please get in touch,  bwfunday20@gmail.com and it will be arranged 🙂
