There’s no room for parking cars up by Fullers Hall (DT8 3PY) but there will be all that you find at a car boot sale on both Saturday, 29th and Sunday, 30th from 10am – 4pm. Tools; clothing; household items; electrical items, bric-a-brac; books & Christmas items will all be on sale 
If you’re having a pre-Christmas clear out, local residents are invited to use/share a table at Fullers Hall – five tables are available on a first come, first served basis. No charge!
The forecast is light showers in the mornings and dry afternoons with even the chance of sunshine on Sunday.
If dry, you’re welcome to bring your own table and set up outside the hall or on the surrounding gardens with the residents’ permission. There will be no parking but you can drop your items off.
Please contact Peter Davies: 07563 185633 with any queries.
