This week is the final online gathering for Margery’s Midweek Motivator Quiz. It has been running every Wednesday for the last 10 weeks with Margery facing 15-18 squares on her screen each week, most containing two or more faces. Margery is hoping that “…the next time we do a quiz together will be in the pub or Comrades Hall“. We all hope so!
On Wednesday, Margery will present 3 rounds of 5 questions and one picture round of 10 questions. Time is limited as Margery is using the free version of Zoom.
Zoom is Free for everyone! – Sign Up and get it HERE.
To Join the Zoom Meeting (the Quiz) – Click HERE.
Meeting ID: 754 7100 3869
Passcode: u6y5qr
No prizes! it’s simply a bit of time out, seeing familiar faces and breaking the monotony of Lockdown.
- Put it in your diary!
- Set an alarm to remind yourself 15 mins beforehand!
- Refreshments at the ready.
- Wednesday, 24th at 8pm.
- Have a laugh!
Thank you for the fun Margery!