On Wednesday evening Dave sadly succumbed to pancreatic cancer having been diagnosed in December 2022. Joyce has shared the following:
“Dave loved Dorset and we were both very lucky to have found a lovely, welcoming community, which we became part of.
Throughout his life and wherever he lived, it was important for Dave to feel connected to and to be of service to people around him.
From working in the village shop when it started, to Parish Councillor, Chair of Governors at the village school, and Secretary for the Hall Committee to name a few.
On a wider scene he volunteered for the National Coastwatch Institute, an important part of the national search and rescue organisation. In this role he carried out regular watchkeeping duties.
On Friday 7, July, 08:45 at Yeovil Crematorium, Dave will take a short journey with Kay and Adam at his side, while one of his favourite songs by Eric Clapton, Layla, plays.
Dave did not want a big funeral, however, when you pass the mirror in the square, you may want to take a moment and think of our Dave Chumbley.
Dave was a loving husband, father and grandfather and will be sorely missed by all his family and lifelong friends, who are grieving at this time.”
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Joyce, Adam & Kay, the extended family and Dave’s friends at this incredibly sad time.

David Chumbley
21/10/48 – 28/06/23