(You can donate to the school through their JustGiving Page HERE.)
Trustees next meet on 8th January 2024.
Young Girls looking for a challenge, adventure, fun and friendship need look no further than the 1st Broadwindsor Guides.
Meetings will resume after the Easter school holidays. The 1st Broadwindsor Guides meet fortnightly (alternate weeks with the Rangers) on Thursday evenings at the Comrades Hall in Broadwindsor. For all girls aged 10-14. Please get in touch for more information.
Contact: 1stbroadwindsorguides@gmail.com or visit the Girl Guiding website HERE.
For all younger girls aged 5-7, there is the 1st Broadwinsor Rainbows. They meet on Monday evenings 5.30-7pm at the Comrades Hall in Broadwindsor.
Please contact: 1stbroadwindsorrainbows@gmail.com or visit the Girl Guiding website HERE.
Serving all of West Dorset, West Dorset Rangers – for girls aged 14-18.
They meet fortnightly (alternate weeks with the Rangers) on Thursday evenings at the Comrades Hall in Broadwindsor.
Contact: westdorsetrangers@gmail.com