Platinum Jubilee 2022 #2 Beacon Lighting Ceremony

The Beacon lighting ceremony on Thursday, 2nd June began with the music of a Highland piper (recorded) then this performance from Tilly Jardine on her bugle:

This was followed by the debut performance of the Broadwindsor Platinum Jubilee Choir
(no recording as yet).


Then it was time for Pip Cadwell to light the beacon:

Do listen for Pip’s final instruction to Barry at the end of the video 🙂


Well done Pip – Thank you!

More photos to come on the site but if you want to view more photos now of our Platinum Jubilee Celebrations – please visit Annie Collins Photography‘s Facebook page HERE.
They are fantastic. Thank you Annie!


Platinum Jubilee 2022 #1 St. John the Baptist Church

Broadwindsor Fun Group would like to thank Annie Collins for all her work and fantastic photography over the long weekend of celebrations in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her magnificent achievement of 70 years reign 🙂

Remember to tag your photographs with #Broadwindsor & #BWFunDay or send them into

There are sooooo many photographs and recordings that have been taken over the last few days, the Editor is currently compiling them in categories and we begin with #1 St. John the Baptist church. Annie was given special permission to go to the top of the church and take some marvellous aerial photographs of our village.  These particular photographs are copyrighted to Annie and can be downloaded FREE.

Please address enqueries directly to Annie at:

Please also enjoy her photographs of the beautiful Floral Displays which were inside the church. These photographs are also FREE to download or share.



#BWFunDay – Share Your Jubilee Photographs On Instagram

Broadwindsor Fun Group are asking you to tag your photographs of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations with #BWFunDay to share on Broadwindsor’s Instagram site – HERE 🙂

Village resident Annie Collins takes spectacular photographs of almost anything that moves and that includes you! Annie will be Broadwindsor Fun Group‘s official photographer over the full Jubilee event so do not be surprised if you see her all over the place including up the church!

Particularly on Saturday, 4th when many families & people will be celebrating, please let Annie know if you do not wish you or your child to be included and this will be accommodated to the best of her ability.

Some of Annie’s work will be on display inside the Comrades Hall and Annie’s photographs will available to purchase:

  • £5 each
  • £12.50 for a set of 3
  • £15.00 for a set of 5.

Please address all enquiries re: photograph orders or queries directly to Annie at:
If you have any other queries re: the Jubilee celebrations, please email:


The Bunting Is Up!

Our village is preparing for next weekend’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations and began today by putting up the bunting around Bernards’ Place, inside and outside of the Comrades Hall, up the High Street, on the railings at Trusthams and down Back Lane as well as around the Square into West Street. Almost 2,000 triangles… 950 metres of it….

  • The White Lion Community Pub
  • Front of Bernards' Place
  • The Square
  • The Square leading to West Street
  • Back Lane
  • Bernards' Place
  • Bernards' Place
  • Maurice at the White Lion
  • Comrades Hall
  • The Old School House
  • Rose Cottage, High Street
  • Trusthams leading to Back Lane
  • The High Street
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
Chairman of Broadwindsor Fun Group, Adrian Gray said “Our thanks to all those that turned out to put nearly a km of bunting up. It took nearly four hours but has made the village look great.

Not one bit of plastic in sight – all the bunting has been made using recycled bed sheets, duvet covers, curtains and pillowcases. Stitched together by helpers ranging from an 80 year old tailor to Broadwindsor’s 1st Rainbows 🙂

A huge thank you to everyone who was involved – be proud of this accomplished monumental and sustainable task!

After the Jubilee celebrations, the bunting will be available to other village groups wishing to use it for their celebrations in the future.



Last Jubilee Bunting Workshop – Friday, 1st April

Jacqui Sewell needs all bunting triangles back to the Comrades Hall tomorrow please.  Although Jubilee isn’t until June 2nd, she needs to count how many have been made, sort them into colours – with Emma House & her Girl Guides who will be helping with this and who are assisting with the colour themes.

On Friday 7th May, there is the huge task of sewing the triangles on to the header tapes, of which there are many meters – if you can help with this, please go along at 10am on Friday, 7thJacqui will take a couple sewing machines with her to the Comrades Hall.

This will be a remarkable accomplishment and decorate our village at the beginning of June 2022.

Any queries, please contact Jacqui on 01308 867145.



Ukraine Colours To Be Included In Village Bunting

Village resident Jacqualyne Sewell has now gathered nearly a blanket box full of Bunting Triangles for the village’s Jubilee Fun Day celebrations.

As much bunting as possible is being made to decorate the village for Broadwindsor Fun Group‘s Jubilee celebrations at the start of June.

However with what’s going on in Ukraine, she is asking if anyone has any Blue / Yellow fabric that they could donate for them to make Bunting Triangles to show our support – please contact Jacqui if you can help – 01308 867145

There are two workshops remaining:

  • Friday, 1st April
  • Friday, 6th May

All the workshops take place at the Comrades Hall during Post Office hours, 10am – 12.30pm.

If you can help by donating fabric (cotton or poly cotton) cutting out, sewing or even just turning the triangles the right way out & ironing them please contact Jacqui on 01308 867145.




Bunting Workshop – Friday, 4th February – 10am

Continuing this February, on Friday 4th from 10am are the Bunting Workshops run by Jacqui Sewell.

As much bunting as possible is being made to decorate the village for Broadwindsor Fun Group‘s Jubilee celebrations at the start of June.

There are four workshops remaining:

  • Friday, 4th February
  • Friday, 4th March
  • Friday, 1st April
  • Friday, 6th May

All the workshops take place at the Comrades Hall during Post Office hours, 10am – 12.30pm.

If you can help by donating fabric (cotton or poly cotton) cutting out, sewing or even just turning the triangles the right way out & ironing them please contact Jacqui on 01308 867145.



Bunting triangles are well underway to decorate our village for the Jubilee weekend celebrations in June. Jacqui’s ambitious goal is to have enough bunting to go all around Bernards’ Place, up the High Street and down Back Lane with cotton flags – no flapping plastic!

Regardless of age or gender, if you can help by:

  • donating fabric (cotton or poly cotton)
  • cutting out,
  • sewing or
  • turning the triangles the right way out & ironing them

Please contact Jacqui Sewell on 01308 867145. Jacqui is also holding Bunting Workshops at the Post Office on the 1st Friday of every month – there’s fabric to take away to cut out the triangles (template provided, cut out triangles etc …..



Bunting For Jubilee 2022

Can you help make the 2022 Platinum Jubilee Weekend really special for Broadwindsor?

Village resident, Parish Councillor and member of Broadwindsor Fun Group, Jacqui Sewell is at the helm of our village’s Bunting Project for our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations next June.

Jacqui, who is known to be proficient with her sewing machine skills through her work at local craft fairs and with Dawn Newberry at Dorset Designers on Facebook, has this request:

Will you help me make fabric bunting as it would have been in the 1950’s, not noisy plastic flags flapping in the breeze? I want to recycle – repurpose – reuse as much as possible!

  • Do you have any cotton fabric (flowers, abstract, plain) that you could donate?
  • Are you able to cut out triangles (template provided)?
  • Or could you fix the triangles onto the tape ready for sewing?
  • Perhaps you could sew up the triangles?

If you can help in any way please telephone me on 01308 867145. I’m also starting monthly Bunting Workshops at the Post Office on 2nd Friday of every month beginning on 14th January 2022

– Jacqui Sewell


Drimpton’s Bunting Bonanza

A colourful and commemorative idea from Drimpton promoting Village Community:

At some point we will emerge from Lockdown and once again be able to come together as a community. In anticipation of that, three ladies in Drimpton are planning to celebrate by decorating Drimpton with bunting made by the village.
So if you’re looking for something to while away a bit of time, why not tap into your creative juices and design one or more flags to represent you, your family, 2020, Drimpton, or anything else you fancy!
It can be drawn, painted, sewn, knitted (pattern below) glued, appliquéd or anything else you can think of – the choice is yours. There are no rules apart from the size (a triangle measuring 20cm x 30cm).
They hope to be able to have a coffee morning in March (restrictions permitting) where you can bring along your completed bunting flags. They’ll then take them away and stitch them together to create the commemorative village bunting that will be a lasting reminder of these extraordinary times for years to come.
For further details or queries (and bunting templates if required) contact:
  • Francesca – 01308 867617
  • Kate – 01308 868843 or
  • Rosemary – 01308 867694
