Monday 26th – Friday 30th October 2020 is Half Term week. Keep yourself and children occupied and get involved to help produce a colourful display of Pumpkin drawings in your windows for the week leading up to Saturday 31st October around the parish.
As Trick or Treating is to be discouraged, go out on Hallowe’en and see how many Pumpkin drawings in windows you can spot!
If you do have a real pumpkin outside your door for Hallowe’en – please remember pumpkins are food, especially to lots of the wildlife! Deer, squirrels, raccoons, possums, badgers, mice, rats, chipmunks, birds, bugs and more. Sticking them outside somewhere where wildlife can access them but do not bleach your pumpkins to make them last longer – you can try using vinegar. 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water will work just as well. We really DO NOT want our wildlife eating bleached pumpkins! 
Other cheerful ideas like these Hallowe’en Suncatchers by #playathomemama_g, black cardboard cut out spooky shapes or white draped cloth can all add atmosphere to your windows!
Have Fun! Be Spooky! Be Safe!
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