Spooked Horses Explore Fullers

Following last night’s loud and heavy thunderstorm and a couple of hours before this morning’s Full moon, two beautiful horses, normally resident up Common Water Lane were spooked and found themselves eating the grass at the end of Fullers.

A resident of Fullers was out at approximately 2.30am walking his dog, when he thought he’d heard a hedgehog – residents themselves too up at Fullers 🙂“Instead two horses came out of the darkness chewing the grass. They were friendly and obviously used to dogs. I stood there for awhile before deciding to ring Police, which I did at 02.48hrs.” The resident waited with the horses outside No. 20, with his dog and a torch ready to alert any drivers turning into Fullers, concerned the horses would be injured.

Sometime after 3am, two police officers appeared stating they had had reports about horses walking along the road and asked whether the resident knew who they belonged to. “Surely if I knew, then I would go to the owner!! ” The resident mentioned he was aware of horses up Common Water Lane and a riding stable in Littlewindsor.  The police were unable to contact the stable as they only had an ansaphone response.  The police decided to drive the 6 minutes to Littlewindsor. The resident’s infirm knee had begun to swell with him standing for so long, so he decided to return to his home in the cul-de-sac of FullersBoth horses followed him and began eating the grass there!

Mark Grinter from Common Water Lane who owns the horses, stopped the resident on his 2nd dog walk to discuss the incident.  He had found his horses up Hollis Hill, in a field with the gate shut – he would like to convey his thanks to whoever secured them and put them there. He also called into the village shop to thank villagers and residents for their forebearance and understanding, Thank you!


Urgent Temporary Closure of Potwell Farm Road, Mosterton

On Monday 21st December at 9.30am until 3.30pm, all vehicles will be prohibited from proceeding along Potwell Farm Road, Mosterton between Littlewindsor Farm junction and the entrance to Potwell Farm.
This is to enable BT safe access to overhead network cable renewal to restore customers out of service.
The alternative route will be signposted – Mosterton Cross – A3066 – B3164 – Littlewindsor Farm Junction.

Although in force for five days, it is anticipated that the work will be completed by the 21st December.

Any unauthorised Person who uses or permits the use of the road(s) indicated in contravention of the Notice will be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1,000.

For more information on any Roadworks or Closures, please contact:
Dorset Highways Traffic Team01305 221020 or email: trafficteam@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk.
For more information on the Work being undertaken, please contact:
BT01234 773833
