Astronomy Session Cancelled

This afternoon’s Astronomy session on Zoom  has been cancelled due to ill health. Apologies to those who have registered.
It will be postponed until 14th July.

Astronomy – 3pm, Wednesday 9th June

Village resident Peter Davies will present his 3rd session for those with an interest in Astronomy this Wednesday at 3pm on Zoom.

This month there will be a recap on previous content and then move onto the subject of Time.

The sessions are 90 minutes each and there will be a 5-10 min break for tea after 40 mins.  Peter does recommend having a notepad and pen to take any notes. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions and/or discussion.

Magna HousingTo listen/participate – you must first email: to register your interest for Data Protection reasons. If you do not receive an invitation to join from Lori Lee, please email Peter directly:

Zoom is Free! – Sign Up and get it HERE.

This event is sponsored by Magna Housing and

On the morning of Thursday 1oth June, there is a partial solar eclipse. The disc of the Sun will appear as a crescent as the Moon partially obscures it. A greater solar eclipse will not be seen until 2025.


Full Moon – Wednesday 26th May

The Full Moon on Wednesday is known as the Flower Moon.  It will appear larger than usual as it is the second Supermoon* of the year (the first being April’s Pink Moon). On average, Supermoons are about 7% bigger and about 15% brighter than a typical Full Moon.

More favourable skies on and around 26th May are expected. Rain and showers are likely to clear away to the east, leaving drier and less windy conditions so one should get a good view of the biggest and brightest Supermoon of 2021.

There is a total lunar eclipse occuring but you need to be in Australia, parts of the western USA, western South America, or in South-East Asia to see it! However, there is a partial solar eclipse which will be visible from the UK on Thursday 10th June beginning at 10.04am.

Other names attributed to this Moon full of the promise of summer are:

  • Leaf Budding Moon
  • Planting Moon
  • Egg Laying Moon
  • Field Making Moon
  • Frog Moon
  • Moon Of The Shedding Ponies!

*Any full Moon (or new Moon) coming closer than 224,865 miles (361,885 km), as measured from the centres of the Earth and Moon, counts as a Supermoon in 2020, according to NASA.

One cannot talk of the moon without paying respect to Michael Collins who died at the end of last month at 90 years old.
Michael Collins took part in the first manned mission to land on the Moon in 1969. He remained in the Apollo 11 craft while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon’s surface. R.I.P.
A total of twelve people have walked on the Moon. Four of them are still living as of April 2021. Buzz Aldrin, now 91 years old, is the only surviving member of the 1969 mission.


This Month’s Astronomy On Zoom

At 3pm on Wednesday afternoon the 2nd month’s presentation on Astronomy by Peter Davies, Broadwindsor will begin on Zoom.

It will start with a brief recap on magnetic fields. distances and a bit more on planets’ magnetic fields.

Focussing on gravity, the following will be explored:

  • Gravity… what is it/purpose?
  • Gravity on different planets.
  • Gravity in space/galaxies.

There will also be an introduction to Black Holes.  As requested, there will be time allocated to explore some of the star formations/Constellations.

The sessions are 90 minutes each and there will be a 5-10 min break for tea after 40 mins.  Peter does recommend having a notepad and pen to take any notes. There will also be the opportunity to ask questions and/or discussion.

To listen/participate – you must first email: to register your interest for Data Protection reasons. If you do not receive an invitation to join, please email Peter directly:


Full Moon on Tuesday, 27th April

April brings a Full Pink Moon. It is also the first of two Supermoons this year. A Supermoon is a Full Moon that will appear to be slightly larger than usual. The second Supermoon will occur next month.

This name is not because the Moon will be pink in colour. It comes from the pink moss, or wild ground phlox, which is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the Spring in North America. Other names for this month’s Full Moon, all of which indicate the season, include:

  • Full Sprouting Grass Moon
  • Egg Moon
  • Full Fish Moon, among coastal tribes because this was the time that the fish swam upstream to spawn.

At the same time, April is a time when rivers and streams begin to fully thaw. Accordingly, April’s Full moon was:

  • Full Melting Moon, by the Shoshone tribe.
  • Moon Where Ice Breaks in the River, by the Arapaho tribe.
  • Sugar Maker Moon, by the Abenaki tribes
  • Sugarbush Moon, by the Ojibwe tribe. The Ojibwe tribe would journey north to their spring camps to tap maple syrup and engage in spear fishing. Maple syrup was integral to Ojibwe culture: not only was it a crucial method of seasoning all their foods (they did not have access to salt at that time), but it also symbolized harmony within the community and with the forces of nature around them.

In other religions:

Usually for Christians it is the Paschal Moon, and celebrate the first Sunday after April’s full moon as Easter Sunday. It’s possible that the reason why the Easter Bunny brings eggs is because April’s full moon is also known as the Egg Moon, given that animals such as geese begin mating and laying eggs in Spring. This year, the Paschal Full Moon fell on 28th March.

In Islamic communities around the world, April’s full moon is celebrated as Bara’at Night, also known as the Night of Innocence. Muslims offer up prayers, asking their God to absolve dead ancestors of their sins. They also prepare sweet desserts such as halva or zarda and give it out to children, the needy, and other members of their community.


Lyrids Shooting Stars Peak Tonight

Tonight until dawn, the Lyrids reach their peak. The Lyrids can produce up to 18 meteors per hour at the peak, with occasional fireballs, producing up to 100 shooting stars an hour.

Make sure you are warm. Find a place with no or minimal light pollution, get comfortable and allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Be prepared to wait. Look to the North East. Also high in the Eastern sky until dawn – by where the meteors are coming from – is the bright star Vega, the brightest star in the constellation of Lyra.

The annual meteor shower is derived from particles dropped by comet C/1861 G1 (Thatcher) and will continue until the end of the month. The meteors come from comets’ debris exploding once it enter Earth’s atmosphere. Their disintegration causes the bright, fiery streaks across our sky.

The waxing gibbous moon will certainly not make it easy this year but as the moon sets at 5am – there will be just 45 minutes of darkness before dawn.


Village Resident Presents Monthly Astronomy on Zoom

At 3pm on Wednesday, 14th April, many will be back in their workplace but there will be many others still at home.  For those not at work, at 3pm, village resident, Peter Davies will be launching the first of his Zoom presentations: ‘ An Introduction to the basic principles of our Earth, Sun and planets‘.

Presentations will occur each month and progress through all aspects of time, space, distance and gravity. Ideal for beginners who want to know more than just the names of stars and constellations.  The first session will take a look at the basics of how our solar system works in general starting with magnetic forces. The project is being funded by and supported by  It will continue on a monthly basis for as long as there is interest.

Peter’s interest in astronomy began over 20 years ago after studying & working in electronics.  “I’d like people to understand what they see when they look at an object in the night sky rather than looking at a pinpoint of light. The sessions really are for beginners and I’d advise to keep notes for reference for future sessions.”  The sessions are 90 minutes each and Peter does recommend having a notepad and pen to take any notes.  There will be a ten minute break during the session for refreshments.  There will also be the opportunity to ask questions and/or discussion.

To listen/participate – you must first email: to register your interest for Data Protection reasons.


Full Moon – Saturday, 28th March

March’s Full Moon is known as the Worm Moon, which was originally thought to refer to the earthworms that appear as the soil thaws in Spring. This itself leads to the appearance of robins, chats and other worm eating birds.

An alternative explanation for this name comes from Captain Jonathan Carver, an 18th-century explorer, who wrote that this Moon name refers to a different sort of “worm”—beetle larvae—which begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time.

There are other names for this particular Full Moon all of which herald the transition from Winter into Spring.  Such names include:

  • Crow Comes Back Moon.
  • Sugar Moon – marking the time of year when the sap of sugar maples trees starts to flow.
  • Wind Strong Moon – referring to the strong windy days that come at this time of year.
  • The Sore Eyes Moon – from North Dakota where the blinding rays of sunlight reflect off the melting snow of late winter.

March’s full Moon often plays a role in religion too. Specifically, in Christianity, this Moon is known as the Lenten Moon if it is the last Full Moon of the winter season (i.e.: if it occurs before the Spring equinox) or as the Paschal Full Moon if it is the first Full Moon of Spring (i.e.: if it occurs after the Spring equinox).  This year we have a Paschal Full Moon.

Easter is a different date every year and some remember the date as 3 weeks after Mother’s Day. Another way to remember when Easter falls is that Easter is always observed on the Sunday following the Paschal Full Moon, which is the first Full Moon that occurs on or after the March equinox…. well almost…

Broadwindsor village churchThe ecclesiastical dates of the Full Moon and the March equinox are those used by the Christian Church. They were defined long ago in order to aid in the calculation of Easter’s date, which means that they may differ from the astronomical dates of these events.
In A.D. 325, a Full Moon calendar was created that did not take into account all the factors of lunar motion that we know about today. The Christian Church still follows this calendar, which means that the date of the ecclesiastical Full Moon may be one or two days off from the date of the astronomical Full Moon.
Additionally, the astronomical date of the equinox changes over time, but the Church has fixed the event in their calendar to March 21st. This means that the ecclesiastical date of the equinox will always be March 21st, even if the astronomical date is March 19th or 20th.

This year, the March equinox occurred on Saturday, 20th March. The first Full Moon to occur after that date is March’s Full Worm Moon, on Sunday, 28th March. This makes March’s Full Moon the Paschal Full Moon as well. Therefore, Easter will be observed on the first Sunday after March 28: Sunday, 4th April! 🙂

 It’s a period of new beginnings. Look for the spectacularly bright Moon as it rises above the horizon on Saturday evening!


It’s Half Term From Home Schooling

Congratulations to all those parents who have been coping with homeschooling their child/children. It’s the Half Term holiday next week and time to take a well deserved break.  You’ve been indoors for months – here are some ideas to relieve the monotony of Lockdown and perhaps do something a little different this half term holiday.

You can celebrate Valentine’s Day on Sunday 14th with little ones by baking some heart shaped biscuits or making cards for someone they love.

Sunday is also the Chinese New Year – Read more HERE.

Tuesday 16th is Shrove Tuesday – Luckily pancakes are very easy to make and children can get involved with the whisking, tossing, decorating and eating!

Tell your children about Shrove Tuesday:

Shrove Tuesday is a Christian festival celebrated in many countries across the globe. It is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. This was to remember when Jesus went into the desert for 40 days to fast and pray. Lent is a period of around six weeks leading up to Easter. During Lent, Christians give up rich, tasty foods such as butter, eggs, sugar and fat (some Christians continue to do so). Shrove Tuesday was the last chance to eat them. Anglo-Saxon Christians went to confession and were “shriven” (absolved from their sins).  A bell would be rung to call people to confession. This came to be called the “Pancake Bell” and is still rung today.

The exact date of Shrove Tuesday changes from year to year. But one thing stays the same — it’s always 47 days before Easter Sunday. In the UK, Ireland, Australia and Canada, Shrove Tuesday has another name –  Pancake Day!
The ingredients for pancakes are seen to symbolise four points of significance at this time of year:
Eggs ~ Creation
Flour ~ The staff of life
Salt ~ Wholesomeness
Milk ~ Purity

The pancake has a very long history and featured in cookery books as far back as 1439. The tradition of tossing or flipping them is almost as old: “And every man and maide doe take their turne, And tosse their Pancakes up for feare they burne.” – Pasquil’s Palin, 1619.
Pancake Races are a common and competitive activity: people racing each other whilst tossing a pancake in a pan.


Climb to the top of Lewesdon Hill 🙂

Sports at MUGA, Broadwindsor.The MUGA next to the school will be open for socially distanced personal exercise and playing outdoor games with those in your bubble. It is free to use.
To book your time slot please contact David Leader on: 01308 868275
Mobile: 07867 608652

Joe Wicks also known as The Body Coach, performs live PE classes online that can be done from your living room helping the nation’s children stay active during throughout Lockdown – not just for the holidays – Click HERE.


There are innumerable sources of recipes available online. The National Trust offer a selection of simple and enjoyable cake, biscuit and savoury recipes for you to bake at home with your children – Click HERE.

Create a Bug Hotel for your garden:

The photograph shows you the wide range of simple things which can provide a home for smaller creatures.  You probably won’t need to buy anything, as it will all be lying around the garden or in wooded areas. Think about the creature you’re making a home for – does it need to be warm, light, dry, dark, cold, or wet? Don’t despair if animals don’t move in straight away. Many will take time to get used to a new place. The Woodland Trust have a good page with more advice on building a Bug Hotel – Click HERE.

Recreate a Cinema Trip:

Let the children choose the film in advance and decide a specific time during the day to watch the film.  The children can personalise tickets if they want to.  Arrange cushions and comfort in the room. Draw the curtains and have the lights off. Have a selection and supply of popcorn, drinks, sweets and choc ices for movie snacks or any interval.

Look Up!

With dark evenings and later bedtimes, share some time together looking at the stars on a clear night. Orion is easily spotted in the Southern sky. You’ll need warm clothes and some patience but it is worth it.
You can see the path of our Milky Way easily once your eyes have become accustomed to the darkness.
The crescent of the New Moon will be in the dark sky, growing every night until it is Full on 27th February.
Night Sky & Star Walk are two popular apps for iOS and Google Sky for Android.

Make A Time Capsule:

We are all agreed that we are living in unprecedented times – make a time capsule. In years to come, when Covid-19 is discussed the way the plague or smallpox is mentioned in history books now, you might want a unique way to remember the smaller details of living through it. Have your child locate items around the house that are unique to the Lockdown habits you’ve formed as a family and put them into a time capsule.

Put On A Performance!

With school pantos, plays and assemblies all cancelled this year, here’s an opportunity to scratch that performing itch. If you plan it over the whole week, putting on a show for your family and friends could become a real focal point. It could be a solo performance, or include parents, siblings, toys, even pets.
  • Monday: Formally invite your audience with a Zoom, Hangouts or Skype invitation to the Big Show on Friday. Decide what the story is. A retelling of their favourite film or nursery story? Or one they’ve made up on their own?
  • Tuesday: Casting and getting into character. Who’s going to play what role? Talk about what each character thinks and feels. ‘Workshop’ some or all of the story and be inventive. Trying things out makes all the possibilities of a performance come to the fore.
  • Wednesday: Think about costume and scenery. Dressing up or make something new. For kids, wearing adults clothes and accessories can be very entertaining. Don’t forget about the make-up. For scenery and props – get inventive with your furniture and decor.
  • Thursday: Practise, practise practise!!
  • Friday: Showtime! Remember, this is for fun, so don’t fret and it really doesn’t matter if it all goes a bit pear-shaped ‘on the night’.  Your audience will appreciate being invited to some live (and utterly unique) entertainment.

Remember to press record on your phone or Zoom screen creating a memory you’ll cherish in years to come.

Telling Tales The Shakespeare Globe offer Telling Tales: a selection of online storytellings and workshops that you can connect with from home. With options for ages 3-16 years, meet their educational practitioners as they immerse you in the world of Shakespeare’s plays.
Join by Zoom to share in the joy of Shakespeare’s stories on until 21st February 2021. Click HERE.

Check out A Zoo Cam:

Yang Guang, one of Edinburgh Zoo’s giant pandas

Watch the animals live at Edinburgh Zoo

Visit museums, zoos and other attractions Around The World – Click HERE.


Full Moon on Thursday, 28th January

The Full Wolf Moon rises on Thursday, January 28, 2021. It’s thought that January’s full Moon came to be known as the Wolf Moon because wolves were more often heard howling at this time. It was traditionally believed that wolves howled due to hunger during winter, but we know today that wolves howl for other reasons.

The Gaelic word for January, Faoilleach, comes from the term for wolves, faol-chù, even though wolves haven’t existed in Scotland for centuries. The Saxon word for January is Wulf-monath, or Wolf Month. Meanwhile, the festival of the Japanese wolf god, Ooguchi Magami, is also held in January. The Seneca tribe links the wolf so strongly to the moon, they believe that a wolf gave birth to the moon by singing it into the sky! So just why are wolves so strongly associated with January’s full moon?

The most obvious answer is because wolves are much louder and more noticeable in January, which is when breeding season begins. Wolves begin to howl more frequently and aggressively to establish their territory, threatening neighbours and enemies alike to stay far away from their breeding grounds. A small pack of wolves may even try to make themselves seem like a larger pack by howling together. While a lone wolf can sustain a howl for the duration of a single breath, an entire pack may howl in unison for longer than two minutes during breeding season. Howling and other wolf vocalizations are generally used to define territory, locate pack members, reinforce social bonds, and coordinate hunting.

Wolves are so well-known for their tight-knit communities that the Sioux tribe called January’s full moon the Moon Where Wolves Run Together. The wolf is often seen as a symbol of loyalty and protection in many cultures. The Wolf Moon is the perfect time for you to reach out to loved ones and reaffirm your connections, in preparation for deepening your bonds and taking on new challenges together over the upcoming year. We’ve most certainly got those ahead.

Stay safe with your pack!
