Scarecrows Out Tonight Please

The bunting is going up in and around Bernards’ Place ready for Sunday’s Fun Day šŸ™‚

For those who have entered the competition, please put your Wartime Farming Scarecrows out this evening (Friday) ready for judging over the weekend.Ā  Maps of entries will be available from Broadwindsor Community Stores and The White Lion on Saturday & Sunday.

Broadwindsor’s Fun Day kicks off at midday with the Children’s Fancy Dress (optional) paradeĀ from Broadwindsor Primary School, through the square, up to the Comrades Hall and down into Bernards’ Place.Ā  Those in fancy dress will be judged and awarded their prize at the prize giving at 5.30pm.

  • Holly from Strawberry Jam will be there to entertain the younger ones,
  • the BBQ and Bar open at 1pm,
  • the live music starts at 2pm from Nina Garcia and continues until 6.30pm with Bridport Broadsides Shanty Crew
    (There will be an interval at approximately 5.30pm to award prizes and draw the Hamper raffle)
  • At 7pmā€¦

Enjoy a fantastic evening
of fun and frolics with Ceilidhā€™s Comet, who specialise in playing traditional barn dance music from the UK and Europe, creating a lively, friendly, fun atmosphere and a wonderful way to end this yearā€™s Fun Day šŸ™‚ A bar will be available.
All tickets are Ā£5, (no concessions) available from Broadwindsor Community Stores and the White Lion.

Broadwindsor Fun Group

Please address all your enquiries to:



Get Thinking About Your Wartime Farming Scarecrow!

The photograph is of Broadwindsor Fun Group 2022’s Platinum Jubilee winners, Mark & his son James who have held the winner’s Cup for the last three years!

Inspired by the village’s new war memorial, another Fun Group initiative, the theme of this yearā€™s Scarecrow competition is ā€˜Wartime Farming Lifeā€˜.

It is only Ā£1 to enter and forms can be picked up from our village shop, Broadwindsor Community Stores, The White Lion Community pub or may be downloaded HERE.

Please return your completed form to the box provided in the village shop or electronically by email to no later than Tuesday, 20th June.
A map showing the location of all the scarecrows will be produced & made available so they can be judged for the competition & enjoyed by everyone.

Please have your scarecrows in place by 5pm on Friday 23rd June.
Prizes will be announced and awarded in the late afternoon of Broadwindsor’s Fun Day, Sunday, 25th June šŸ™‚

** This competition, Broadwindsor Fun Day together with other activities and entertainment are run by Broadwindsor Fun Group – a committee of four, of which three will not be continuing šŸ™
Most importantly, the Broadwindsor Fun Group need a new Chairman and at least 2 more membersĀ (all are able to hand over and support).Ā  To avoid closure of the Fun Group – it is hoped some people will put themselves forward.Ā  If this is something you may be interested in – please email Many thanks.**



Broadwindsor Fun Day – Sunday, 25th June

The theme of this year’s Scarecrow competition is ‘Wartime Farming Life‘. It’s only Ā£1 to enter and forms can be picked up from our village shop, Broadwindsor Community Stores, The White Lion Community pub or may be downloaded HERE.

Here is what to expect from midday on Sunday, 25th June…

  • 12 noon: Childrensā€™ Fancy Dress Parade
  • 12.15pm: Welcome & Opening
  • 12.25pm: W.I. Refreshments until 2/2.30pm
  • 12.25pm: Stalls & Games open until 4pm
  • 12.30pm: Strawberry Jam – Children’s Entertainer
  • 1pm: Bar opens
  • 1pm: BBQ opens until 5.30pm (or sold out)
  • 2pm: Live Music from Nina Garcia
  • 4.30pm: Live Music from Bridport Broadsides Shanty Crew
  • 5.30pm: Interval – Prize giving & Hamper Raffle
  • 6.15pm: Close
  • At 7pm

Enjoy a fantastic evening
of fun and frolics with Ceilidh’s Comet, who specialise in playing traditional barn dance music from the UK and Europe, creating a lively, friendly, fun atmosphere and a wonderful way to end this year’s Fun Day šŸ™‚ A bar will be available.
All tickets are Ā£5, available from Broadwindsor Community Stores and the White Lion.

Broadwindsor Fun Group

Please address all your enquiries to:



Scarecrow Forms In By This Wednesday, May 25th

Broadwindsor Fun Group’s Jubilee celebrations draw nearer and excitement is building.

Village drums speak of many scarecrows being constructed and decorated, with some considerable thought involved… however, the number of forms submitted so far does not equate.

Please make sure your royal themed scarecrow is included by completing an entry form:

Forms can be picked up from our Broadwindsor Community Stores or from the White Lion table by the entrance, on the left.
Complete your details and don’t forget to mark on the map where your scarecrow can be found!
Please then return them with your Ā£2 entry feeNO LATER THAN WED. 25TH MAY.

Put your scarecrow out for display (and judging) on Friday, 3rd June.Ā  The Cup for Best Scarecrow will be presented & announced at Sunday’s Great Jubilee Picnic šŸ™‚


Jubilee Scarecrow Competition

You are invited to take part in this year’s Jubilee Scarecrow competition as part of Broadwindsor Fun Group’s Jubilee celebrations.

As you would expect, the theme this year is Royalty, preferably with no reference to Prince Andrew! You can download an entry form HERE.Ā  Entry forms can also be collected from Broadwindsor Community Stores or The White Lion Pub.
Completed forms
are to be returned to either place, together with your Ā£2 entrance fee.

A map will be created showing where all the scarecrows are so have your completed entry form in no later than Wednesday, May 25th to be included.

Please put your scarecrow out on Friday, 3rd June 2022 for judging over the Friday and Saturday.Ā  The winners will be announced and the Cup awarded at the Great Jubilee Picnic Lunch on Sunday, 5th June.

If you browse back through the photographs on Broadwindsor’s Facebook page HERE, you can view previous entries from earlier scarecrow competitions šŸ™‚

Good luck everyone!


Broadwindsor Fun Group Seek Officers

Broadwindsor Fun Group are holding an Extraordinary General Meeting on Thursday, October 1st 2020 at 7pm in the Comrades Hall. This is an Open meeting and interested parties from Broadwindsor and Hursey are invited to attend.

However, due to Government Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing, there will be a limit of 30 attendees.
Current members who are couples have been respectfully requested to send only one to represent them allowing space for others to attend.Ā  On this occasion, anyone wishing to go along MUST register their interest to so that numbers can be monitored.
For those unable to, who have constructive comments and/or ideas are asked to please submit them to the Fun Group email so they can be addressed at the meeting.

The Broadwindsor Fun Group formed last year following the dissolution of what was known in the village as the Jubilee Group, to continue the annual Fun Day with its Scarecrow competition in June each year and hold fun, fundraising events throughout the year to make it all happen.Ā  Although the entertainment and events for 2020 were all in placeĀ  – everything had to be cancelled.

Saturday, June 12th 2021 is the date planned for Broadwindsor Fun Day next year.

At the meeting on October 1st, the positions of Chairman and Vice-chairman are to be elected, who’s first duties will involve discussion and agreement to form a Constitution describing the Group’s purpose and to define the duties and responsibilities of the elected officers and members in a clear and concise manner. The template for next year’s events are in place and the accounts have been audited.

All annual events require planning, active support and participation to make it a success – Broadwindsor Fun Group is counting on you! Please contact:
