Broadwindsor.Org On Facebook

Following the dreadful hack last month, the replacement page Facebook is Broadwindsor.Org*.

Contrary to comments made, villagers and parishioners CAN POST to this Facebook page.  Whether it be lost/found, local traffic/accidents, an event or anything that involves the parish.

Local businesses are also invited to post their events directly, providing they have paid their £15 registration fee.  Non-registered businesses are invited to register, else their post will be removed.

*All photographs and videos published on the original Facebook page can be found on the website – use the search tab to find what you’re looking for 🙂

Please direct any questions to
Thank you!


It’s Broadwindsor.Org on Facebook

As a result of the hacking incident one week ago, has been moved to create a new Facebook page for the village. Consequently, the Privacy Policy has been updated accordingly and may be viewed HERE.

The ‘old’ Broadwindsor on Facebook is still able to view but nothing can be added to it at this time.

Posts published to the website will now appear on Social Media at:

Broadwindsor on Facebook


Broadwindsor on Twitter


Broadwindsor on Instagram

Thank you for your support and understanding. If you have any queries, please contact the Editor at
